Shri Datta Swami

 24 Dec 2024


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Satsanga at Hyderabad on 21-12-2024

O Learned and Devoted Servants of God

[Satsanga at Hyderabad on 21st Dec 2024 with devotees from Mumbai. Shri G Lakshman, Smt. Meena Kumari, Shri Vivek, Shri Surya, Smt. Bhagya, Shri Srivatsa Datta, Shri Phani, Shri Ajay, Smt. Nagalakshmi, Shri Veena Datta, Ms. Laxmi Trailokya, Shri JSR Prasad, Shri PVNM Sarma, Smt. Annapurna, etc., attended.]

1. Why are recently the photos of God Datta and also His incarnations very attractively developed?

[Shri Surya asked:- Paadanamaskaaram, Swami. Why recently the photos of God Datta and also His incarnations are very attractively developed? Some people misunderstand that You are personally projecting Yourself. Why God Datta has planned such projection of physical personality especially through face since face is the main identity of any personality? In every photo, only Your face is decorated by devotees.]

Swami replied:- Please tell such people that I am jobless trying for small acting roles in TV serials and for this purpose, I have started this program of advertising Myself about My suitability to the profession! But unfortunately, so far, nobody offered even a very small role! I am not capable of doing any other job! What can I do? All of you sympathize with Me and help Me!


The basic idea in this case is that since face is the main identity of the personality, the same face existing in all forms of God clearly establishes that God is only one whereas all the different forms are only external forms like different dresses of the same person. This is the main idea with which this program started. Actually, this program started with an incident that happened with Shri Phani. Shri Phani got a vision of Lord Veṅkaṭeśvara in Chennai. When the devotees asked him how Lord Veṅkaṭeśvara looked, he told all the devotees that the face of Shri Veṅkaṭeśvara looked exactly like the face of Swami. Then, a photo of Swami was collected from the magazine of an engineering college in Chennai and using that face, the photo of God Veṅkaṭeśvara was prepared by Shri PVNM Sarma. Shri Phani ascertained that the face of Shri Veṅkaṭeśvara was just like that only. Then, the idea of developing various forms of God (including Goddesses like Lakṣmī etc.) started. Then, Swami told that the basic idea of this program is to say that all divine forms are of the same one God (Universal Spirituality). Here also, even though this incident appears to have started with Shri Phani incidentally, it is the will of God Datta only that is the cause for such incident.

Later on, some devotees have presented some photos of God Datta and His incarnations to the climax point of attraction. This point is also very important in the spiritual knowledge. The basic point here is that the devotion to God is developed due to personal attraction. The attraction may be due to your desire for a worldly benefit and such devotion is false love, which is called as instrumental devotion in which the attraction is only towards the fulfillment of your worldly desire. Such devotion is not true devotion. True devotion, called Goal Devotion is due to the natural attraction to the divine personality of God. Personality really means the auspicious qualities (Kalyāṇa Guṇas). But, the external form also contributes a little in the initial stage of attraction. For this sake, such beautiful photos of God Datta and His incarnations are developed by devotees due to the powerful will of God Datta only. Very beautiful photos were always prepared by devotees suddenly without much effort and this is the experience expressed by those devotees, who prepared such excellent photos.

This means that the excellence of the photo is not due to the human effort, but due to the will of God Datta. Hence, every program of God Datta is only to stress on spiritual knowledge and to stress on the real devotion to God, which is simply the natural attraction to the divine personality of God and His divine qualities. Hence, this is also a part of the divine program of God Datta only. The fan devotion is considered to be the real climax devotion. How is this climax devotion developed? A fan develops mad fascination towards cinema heroes. How is this fascination developed? The initial factor is the smartness of the face. The later deep factor is the exhibition of excellent good qualities of that hero during the story of the cinema. A candidate is selected in the interview based on his knowledge in the subject. But, the candidate appearing for the interview must be in smart dress as far as possible for the sake of initial impression of the selection committee. The initial facial attraction of the hero exhibited on the wall posters drives the fellow to see the cinema and know about the excellent good qualities of the hero in due course of time. Thus, this initial attraction through divine photos serves as a good promoter for the beginners to know the spiritual knowledge preached by God Datta.

God Datta knows that some devotees felt ego based jealousy on seeing such photos misunderstanding God Datta at a petty human level. Such low level shall not be expected in the case of God Datta, who is the Monarch of  Spiritual Knowledge!


[Prof. JSR Prasad asked:-]

2. Is there positive energy and negative energy in this world?

Swami replied:- It is all utter nonsense. The energy of the positive electrode and the energy of negative electrode in a battery are designated by positive and negative signs respectively. Such energies are purely inert. There is light energy, sound energy, magnetic energy, electric energy etc., but no positive and negative energies. The electrode losing negatively charged electrons called anode develops positive charge. The electrode gaining negatively charged electrons called cathode develops negative charge. The people using these words are using these positive and negative energies in the sense of good things and bad things respectively. When the energy is inert without awareness or nervous energy, how can you bring good and bad natures of awareness in the field of inert energy? Of course, we agree in the existence of ghosts. These ghosts trouble people based on the fruits of their sins to be enjoyed. In this way, they act as armed force in the administration of God. The ghosts are given some supernatural powers by God and hence, cannot be detected by scientific instruments.

3. Do +ve ions cause positive energy and -ve ions negative energy?

[There are positive and negative ions in science also. Majority of positive ions in the atmosphere can cause positive energy and the majority of negative ions can cause negative energy to us. Isn’t it?]

Swami replied:- A positive ion results when the atom loses a negatively charged electron due to unbalanced positive charge of a proton. Ex:- Na+ ion. If an atom gains a negatively charged electron, it becomes a negatively charged ion due to the unbalanced negative charge of the electron. Ex:- Cl ion. The atmosphere will not be affected by these charges to get positive energy and negative energy respectively. Moreover, you are telling positive energy as good and negative energy as bad. This is quite absurd because the inert energy has nothing to do with good or bad. Good or bad is related to qualities of the awareness or nervous energy.

4. There are instruments, which show positive aura of Tulasi plant, etc. Isn’t that positive energy?

Swami replied:- In plants also, there is no awareness. Due to this, God said in the Veda that plants can become the food of zoological living beings (Oshadhiibhyo’nnam). No botanical living being can have nervous system, which is required for the generation of awareness from inert energy. In the absence of awareness, there is no suffering or even the knowledge of being killed. Hence, the aura of a plant is only inert energy. Plants have respiration, but, such respiration is only mechanical life (Praanamaya Kosha) without awareness and not real life with awareness (Manomaya Kosha). Real life appears only when  nervous system is developed, which converts inert energy into awareness. The aura of zoological living beings including human beings can show the qualities of awareness like love that is shown by pink coloured energy.

5. Many places of worship are said to have positive energy in them. Why is it widespread when it is not true?

Swami replied:- Here, they mean positive energy as the atmosphere is filled with good (positive) qualities. Good qualities mean people having good qualities. It is only a system of nomenclature. When we say “Be positive to that fellow”, it means that you should be encouraging the fellow. It is only the language of representation of communication, just like code language.

[Shri Pavan Kuppa asked:-]

6. Vaastu consultants say that they see negative energy in our houses. Is that true?

Swami replied:- It is all either foolishness or the way of cheating you for getting some benefit from you by suggesting some meaningless remedies. Vaastu is a part of Astrology giving certain directions in the construction by concentrating on the calculation of nine beneficial aspects (Nava Varga Gaṇitam) for each room in the house. Nowhere in any Astrological scripture, there is mention of positive energy and negative energy.

7. When there is no positive energy at all, why do I get very good positive feeling when I am in Puttaparti?

Swami replied:- It is the responding awareness in you that is already filled with devotional feelings towards Shri Satya Sai Baba. Such emotions are related to your awareness and not to any positive or negative energy present in Puttaparti, which is simply assumed by you.

8. Why can’t we detect ghosts or energetic beings moving on earth?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- A) Swami, ghosts are energetic beings and we have scientific meters to detect  electromagnetic fields (EMF). Why can’t we detect ghosts or energetic beings moving on earth?]

Swami replied:- Ghosts are definitely energetic beings having energetic souls in energetic bodies. By the will of God, every energetic being is gifted with some supernatural powers by birth itself. Hence, they cannot be detected by scientific instruments since supernatural power is beyond science. Actually, ghosts are the souls of human beings present in subtle energetic bodies leaving their gross bodies at the time of death. They harm any human being based on the fruit of the sin of such human being as per the order of the deity of justice based on the divine administration running under the rules of the divine constitution written by God. This does not mean that every human being after death will become a ghost. Of course, most of the human beings reach Preta Loka for enquiry about their good and bad deeds. Ghost is such an energetic being wandering on the earth due to non-fulfillment of worldly desires. Such ghosts will not go to Preta Loka for enquiry. After enquiry in Preta Loka (which is above this Martya Loka in which all human beings live), the soul will go either to Naraka Loka (hell) existing above Preta Loka to undergo suffering of their sinful deeds or will go to Pitru Loka (a sub-world on the moon) to live there if the soul is neutral having neither merit nor sin or will go to Svarga Loka (heaven), which is in between the globe of the sun and the pole star to enjoy the fruits of good deeds. Bhu Loka consists of four sub-worlds:- i) Martya Loka, ii) Preta Loka, iii) Naraka Loka and iv) Pitru Loka. All these three ways are decided in Preta Loka. A liberated soul reaches the utmost 7th world called Brahma Loka straight from earth without visiting Preta Loka. The seven worlds below the earth contain serpents and demons, which are permanently condemned souls. Of course, God has condemned them for a longtime hoping for reformation only and there is no point of revenge in the heart of the Divine Father towards His condemned issues also.

9. Was God Datta not visible to any soul until He appeared before Sage Atri?

[Swami, God Datta appeared to Sage Atri after a long penance, but, You told that God Datta exists from the beginning of the creation. So, can we say that God Datta was not visible to any soul until He appeared before Sage Atri?]

Swami replied:- God Datta existed even before the creation. The Parabrahman or Unimaginable God created a little space called Parama Vyoma in the beginning state of creation. In that little space, an energetic body with energetic soul was created and this energetic being was called Datta. Then, the unimaginable God merged with Datta so that the resulting energetic form became God Datta. The name Datta was given to this energetic form because the unimaginable God wanted to express Himself in mediated state as the first energetic form called God Datta. Since He is unimaginable, He wanted to bless the future souls with the facility for meditation and worship. He Himself can neither be meditated nor worshipped since He is totally unimaginable. This energetic form is the first energetic incarnation of the unimaginable God or Parabrahman. He has three faces called Hiranyagarbha, Narayana and Iishvara from which God Brahma, God Vishnu and God Shiva incarnated. These three divine forms are the incarnations of God Datta since God Datta merged with them. The energetic beings were seeing the three divine forms in their energetic worlds separately. The three divine forms know God Datta very well. God Datta shall be understood perfectly before He grants His vision to any soul.

Sage Atri along with His wife Anasuya and several other sages did a long penance to find the original God Datta. Atri understood God Datta very well and was having very good knowledge about the background of God Datta. Atri could see the ultimate first energetic incarnation and got Him as His son called Dattatreya, the human incarnation. Since then (since Sage Atri found God Datta), God Datta became visible to all energetic beings present in the upper energetic worlds. For the sake of humanity on this earth (Martya Loka), God Dattatreya, who is the incarnation of God Datta became available to all human souls. Even in the state of human incarnation, unless you recognize and understand Him perfectly, He will not be seen by you because He will always appear to you as an ordinary human being only. In the entire Kruta Yuga, God Datta was not seen by any energetic being. Only in the beginning of the Treta Yuga, Sage Atri could understand Him through long penance and was able to see Him.

[Shri Phani asked:-]

10. Swami, did Ahalya suffer in coma state due to the curse of Goutama?

Swami replied:- Ahalya was not in coma state. She was like a stone without physical movements, but her brain was working well. Such curse was given by Gautama to Ahalya since Ahalya did sin. People think that innocent Ahalya was cheated by Indra in the form of Sage Gautama. If that were true, Sage Gautama would not have cursed her. She recognized Indra in the form of Gautama as we see in Valmiiki Ramaayanam (Devarājaṃ tu vijñāya, pratyuvāca śucismitā). In coma state, awareness disappears and hence, suffering cannot be there. Of course, the person in coma state has missed the living in this world with happiness through full enjoyment. This is a real loss to the soul and in this way, the soul in coma is also undergoing the punishment of its sin. It is said that a soul is given the birth of a tree, stone etc. When the sinful nature becomes very powerful, for some time, the soul shall exist in coma state so that the awareness becomes mild losing both good and bad qualities.

The disappearance of bad qualities is the aim, but, along with it, the disappearance of good qualities also happens and this is inevitable. The best example is that when an antibiotic is used, not only the bacteria and virus die, but also some of the living cells die. Due to the destruction of the living cells (tissues), terrible weakness results on long usage of antibiotics. This destruction of normal cells is inevitable in view of the destruction of bacteria and virus. This is the reason why doctors give B-complex along with antibiotic so that the B-complex will develop strength and the weakness is reduced. Hence, when a sinner is born as inert tree or stone for some time, all the qualities of the soul become very weak and in this process, bad qualities also become very weak and disappear after some time. A greedy fellow is born as a tree to give his fruits to others without a trace of self-enjoyment. Like this, the scripture says about the sinful soul being given the births of tree, stone etc., (Sthaavara Janma or inert birth).

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