Shri Datta Swami

 24 Sep 2024


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Does God Datta encourage the devotees of Pravrutti line?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:-]

Swami replied:- God Datta is very fast in giving your desired fruits so that very shortly, you can expect yourself to become an aspirationless soul by which you can enter the spiritual line that is eternal and become very close to God (Saayujyam). God Datta is the ultimate God (first mediated energetic incarnation) and does not need the approval of anybody else other than Himself to sanction a boon. His response is also very very fast. He is pleased simply if you remember Him (Smaraṇamātra santuṣṭaḥ). The Supreme illusory power called Mahaa Maayaa always surrounds Him creating negative statements about God Datta so that almost all the undeserving devotees run away fearing to approach Him. The wonderful point with God Datta is that once you become close to Him by getting your desired boon from Him, you spontaneously get attracted towards Him and forget the worldly life or Pravrutti so that you yourself will enter the line of Nivrutti. You cannot remain in the Pravrutti for a long time after getting association with Him. God Datta does not instigate you in any way to enter the spiritual line or Nivrutti because God Datta is very attractive in spiritual line. You yourself will develop tremendous desire for spiritual line after getting close association with Him. This is for your eternal welfare only and you need not worry about the loss of Pravrutti due to worshipping God Datta. God Datta is also called as ‘Bhoga moksha pradah’, which means that if a devotee is having lot of fascination towards some type of worldly pleasure, God Datta sanctions such worldly pleasure in unimaginable extent so that the devotee develops boredom for such pleasure and becomes detached towards such worldly bonds. This is the reason why generally God Datta sanctions your desired boon very shortly and to very high extent so that you will get detachment immediately from such pleasure forever in your life.

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