Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 30 Jun 2024


Would You like to comment on a miracle happening in Hindupuram?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, in A.P., Satya Sai District, Hindupuram, opposite to Saraswati Vidya Mandir School, a poor family lives and from the feet of a very small statue of Shirdi Sai Baba in their house, water is continuously flowing and sacred ash is falling from the statue. Will You comment on this miracle?]

Swami replied:- The water is flowing continuously from two months. Devotees from a near by temple of Shirdi Sai came and examined this miracle by sitting there during the entire day time. They took the statue into their hands and wiped the statue strongly with a cloth and held the statue in the palm. The water flowed down along the hand. They again wiped the statue and placed on a towel. The towel was drenched with the flow of water. Again, they wiped the statue and placed it in a vacant vessel kept before them. Shortly, the vessel was filled with water. This type of testing removes the following doubts:-

1) Somebody is putting the water and claiming that water came from statue. This doubt can be applied to the sacred ash by telling that somebody poured the ash on the statue secretly. But regarding water, such doubt has no place.

2) Somebody has put a thin water tube into the statue and pumping water from outside. This doubt is also ruled out since the devotees tested the miracle by keeping the statue in their palm and placed the statue on the towel and also in the vessel before them.


Therefore, this is a genuine miracle since all possibilities to claim this as magic are closed from all directions. So far, a lot of water that can be estimated as several buckets have come out and such large quantity of water cannot be accommodated in such a small statue with the help of any scientific technology or magic arrangements. If somebody says that such a genuine miracle is also fake, such a person shall be admitted into a mental hospital for treatment of his/her brain.

This miracle appears as the answer to some critics, who are blaming Shirdi Sai Baba as Muslim and shall not be worshipped by Hindus. Baba is the incarnation of God Datta, the Universal Preacher (Vishvaguru). He is Hindu as well as Muslim or you can say that He is beyond both Hinduism and Islam or any other religion. God is beyond this creation (Māmebhyaḥ paramavyayam - Gita). Religion, region, caste, gender, language, religious traditions, etc. belong to the creation and God is beyond all these worldly items. Some people say that He is a Muslim because He was always uttering that ‘Allah is the Master’. This is to attract the emotional Muslims so that they can be preached regarding unity between Hinduism and Islam or any other religion. Once, Baba told a Muslim devotee to distribute sweets in the temple of God Hanuman and said the following reason “Once Allah and God Hanuman fought with each other. Then, Allah was defeated by God Hanuman. Hence, distribute sweets in the temple of God Hanuman”! Will any Muslim speak like this? He appeared as several Hindu Gods but never appeared as Prophet Mohammad. Hence, Hindus shall not mistake Him as Muslim. On one Dasara festival, He became very furious and removed His dress shouting “You fellows come and examine Me whether I am a Hindu or Muslim” (The examination means testing His penis for the Sunti that is inevitably done for any Muslim.).

He was wearing the dress of a Muslim Fakir with Satakaa in His hand saying that Allah is the master. Such external indications favoring Islam is to attract the highly emotional Muslims so that He can preach them the universal spirituality and unity of all religions. Hindus are not so much emotional as Muslims and hence, He preached Hindus about the unity of religions since there was no need to attract the balanced Hindus. He came especially for the unity of Hinduism and Islam in those days. Later on, He incarnated as Shri Satya Sai Baba, who made many efforts to unite Hinduism and Christianity.

Finally, I want to say to the critics of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba like this “Let us leave all these discussions. Please explain the above genuine miracle and explain that how so much huge quantity of water came from such a small statue?” In this Kali age of low spiritually standard devotees, only the miracle of God is like the cane present in the hand of the teacher to bring discipline in the childish devotee-students. The above genuine miracle is being performed by Baba not only for the sake of the recent critics about Him, but also for the sake of atheists, who claim that every miracle is fake and that there is no unimaginable God to be proved by unimaginable events called miracles. The critics of Baba and atheists criticizing this genuine miracle as a fake miracle, unable to explain the above genuine miracle through any effort, have to pass urine along their legs and feet imitating the above genuine miracle by doing the fake miracle!!!
