Shri Datta Swami

Jnana Saraswati – Discourses

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Showing 3341 – 3360 of 3596 Records


Posted on: 13/12/2010

[Evening Message] People give a lot of importance to the Gayatri mantra without realizing the true concept of it. When the actual concept is not realized, the misunderstanding misleads the people to negative results and their desired results are not at all touched. There are three subsequent steps in the spiritual path. The first step is knowledge (jnana yoga) by which you first realize the true information about the goal and its address. Then, you will also realize the true path for reaching the goal. Then, you will also realize the true status of yourself. All these three realizations constitute the triad (Triputi) of information about the goal (Jneya), path (Jnana) and the aspirant (Jnata). You must realize that your goal is the unimaginable God...

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Posted on: 12/12/2010

Hiranyagarbha called as karyabrahman, is the first produced infinite cosmic energy in which the unimaginable God is hidden. The cosmic energy is generated from the unimaginable God, who is called as Karanabrahman or the root source of everything. Hiranyagarbha means the cosmic energy in which the gold is hidden. The word gold indicates the most valuable unimaginable God. Garbha means hidden since God is not visible to imagination. The Veda says that Hiranyagarbha is first born cosmic energy, which is the controller of the world (Hiranyagarbhah samavartataagre...). The cosmic energy generates the matter...

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Posted on: 12/12/2010

[Evening Message] When the unimaginable God enters a medium, He remains in His inherent unimaginable form and at the same time attains the form of the medium also. But, the attainment of the form of the medium is by identifying Himself with that medium. The attainment is not real because God is not really transformed into that form of medium. When the current enters a metallic wire, the current is identified with the metallic wire because you can experience the property of the current at any part of the wire. This does not mean that the current is really modified or transformed into the metallic wire. The current is a stream of electrons and it remains in its inherent form, which is the stream of electrons. The metallic wire...

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Posted on: 11/12/2010

God created money or wealth, which is the most wonderful item in this entire creation because all the worldly bonds are condensed in it. It is the essence of all the bonds in this world. Directly, it has no importance, but, indirectly it has highest importance since it covers all the needs of your life of yourself and your kith and kin. You can purchase even the food by which you can maintain the life. Therefore, it is the basis of all the basic needs and other needs of life. In a nutshell, it can be said as the essence of the entire creation. It is said to be the root of the entire tree of world (Dhanamoola midam jagat). If the root is cut, the entire tree will fall...

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Posted on: 11/12/2010

[Evening Message] The stealing of butter by Lord Krishna as a boy is enjoyed by the devotees as the mischief of the Lord (Prabhu leela). By this, the Lord is treated as an ordinary ignorant boy and the mischief is reduced to the activity of ignorance of the childhood. God is never ignorant and the childhood is related to the body or medium in which the Lord is hidden. An ordinary soul in such a medium can be ignorant but not the omniscient God. God cannot be affected by the properties of medium. Therefore, there should be an excellent meaning and it should be a wonderful message for the spiritual aspirants. Externally, it looks like a mischief of an ignorant boy, but internally, it has the whole essence of the Holy Scripture the Veda, which says that the sacrifice of wealth alone leads to God....

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Posted on: 29/11/2010

[Dr. K. V. Prasad, a devotee, raised a doubt on the recent message given by Swami on Karteeka Poornima. The doubt is “You told that we should enjoy even misery like a hot dish in the meals. But, this is practically impossible”.]

Swami Replied: I will give an example to show that this is practically possible. A child enjoys the sweet, but dislikes the hot dish since it tasted the hot dish once and felt the pinch of it. This means that the child did not enjoy the hot dish even once and hence, does not like to taste the hot dish again. But, you take the case of an adult. He enjoyed the hot dish and hence, he tries to taste the hot dish again and again. The difference between the child and adult establishes...

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Posted on: 28/11/2010

If you want to eat an apple, you have to search for the seller of apples in order to purchase an apple from him. Then, how to identify the seller of apples? The identity mark for recognizing the seller of apples is the apple itself. Therefore, your requirement itself is the identity mark to recognize the possessor of your requirement. If you want to learn Physics, you have to select the best teacher of physics. What is the identity mark of the best teacher of physics? The identity mark is the best teaching of physics itself. Similarly, the requirement of an aspirant of spiritual path is the correct direction in his spiritual journey. The correct direction in the spiritual journey can be given by the true spiritual knowledge...

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Posted on: 21/11/2010

[Kartika Purnima] The Gita says that equality in situations of happiness and misery is yoga (samatvam yoga…). Generally, people misunderstand this concept. They think that keeping oneself inactive towards happiness and misery without any disturbance like a stone is the meaning of this verse. Such meaning is wrong and is not the actual opinion of the Lord. It is only the misinterpretation of misunderstood heart of the verse. You are not a stone to show such inert behavior. You are a living human being and can never behave like that. You can behave like that by taking some sedative drugs and there is no need of the intensive spiritual effort to achieve such state. The actual opinion of this verse is that you should enjoy both happiness and misery...

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Posted on: 20/11/2010

God will not use His superpower as far as possible unless a very rare occasion of protecting the most deserving devotee arises. A good administrator will always run the institution on the natural wheels of the rules already setup. As far as possible, he will not disturb the routine and natural functioning of the system. This is the reason for Lord Krishna not changing the mind of Duryodhana, who rigidly favored the war. He did not use the superpower in the case of Arjuna also, when Arjuna was against the war. In the case of Duryodhana, the Lord tried His best to stop the war. In the case of Arjuna, the same Lord tried His best to provoke Arjuna...

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Posted on: 17/11/2010

The sin, which is the source of all sufferings, cannot be cancelled through any extent of devotion and any extent of dearness and nearness to God. No way is competent to cancel the sin except one path. Such only one path is real and permanent transformation of the mind. Such transformation will avoid the doing of sin in future. Since the punishment given for the sin done in the past also aims at this transformation only, there is no meaning of punishing the soul further for the past sins after the transformation. Hence, the permanent and real transformation of the soul cancels all the past sins and the future possibility of doing any sin more. There is no other way than this because such unique way is the will of God...

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Posted on: 17/11/2010

The essence of all the rituals is just sacrifice of wealth to a deserving devotee of God and the sacrifice should be in the memory of God. Mere sacrifice to a deserving human being without referring to God is just social service, the reward of which is temporary stay in heaven (Ksheenepunye… Gita). The sacrifice is of two ways. One is in the form of work or service and the other is in the form of wealth. The sacrifice should be done with lot of analysis to discriminate the deserving from the rest. Sacrifice is the most powerful means to please God and get His grace, if the receiver deserves. If the receiver does not deserve, the same sacrifice will yield negative results in the form of punishment. Since all the rituals involve sacrifice...

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Posted on: 16/11/2010

People often get the doubt about the creation of bad in this world apart from good. The bad is related to the qualities of Rajas and Tamas. The good is related to the quality of Sattvam. Since God is the Creator and Maintainer of both good and bad, He is associated with both good and bad. This is clear when we say that Vishnu is associated with Sattvam, Brahma is associated with Rajas and Shiva is associated with Tamas. The doubt is that God should have been always in the form of Vishnu only. In fact, there is a sect called Vaishnavas, who follow this point. They treat God as Vishnu or Narayana only. In such case, God should not be the Creator of the entire world since bad is also a part of the world. This will limit God...

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Posted on: 15/11/2010

Datta means God available for souls. He is available in the human form with materialized body since human beings are with materialized bodies. The same God is available in energetic body to angels and to the departed souls from the earth, since both angels and the departed souls are in energetic bodies. The angels are the souls in permanent energetic bodies, whereas the departed souls exist in the energetic bodies till they take re-birth. The present alive human form of God is most relevant to the present alive human generation. Therefore, energetic forms of God and also the past human forms of God are irrelevant to the present human beings...

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Posted on: 04/11/2010

Recognition of contemporary human incarnation is the most crucial point since we can worship God directly through contemporary human incarnation only. The recognition is to be done by examining various messages of divine knowledge rendered by the spiritual preachers and you have to recognize the contemporary human incarnation through the true and excellent spiritual knowledge only. If you want to give gold medal to the top most meritorious student in the class, you have to examine the answer scripts written by all the students of the class and depending on the highest marks, you have to select the gold medalist. Similarly, you have to examine the messages of all the preachers...

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Posted on: 20/10/2010

The existence of any item is experienced in two ways. 1) In the first way, the existence is realized by direct perception. You realize the pot existing on the floor by looking at it with your eyes. This is direct knowledge. 2) In the second way, the existence is realized by indirect inference. You infer the existence of fire on the hill by seeing the smoke generated from the fire and surrounding the fire. This is indirect knowledge. In the case of unimaginable God, the existence of God is realized by indirect knowledge only. Observing the unimaginable events generated by God called as miracles, which mainly include the unimaginable knowledge, you infer the existence of unimaginable...

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Posted on: 03/10/2010

The concept of human incarnation is most perfect truth. At the same time, it is most complicated and most dangerous also. It is truth because God interacts with the human beings in human form only. If God enters an inert statue, the purpose of preaching right knowledge to the humanity is not accomplished. If you say that the God in statue also has awareness by virtue of His omnipotence, such awareness cannot be used to give the right knowledge to the devotees. The statue is made of inert matter and if awareness also exists in it, it just becomes the human being. The human being is nothing but the human body made of inert matter...

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Posted on: 26/09/2010

Sages are greater than angels and angels are greater than human beings. Arjuna stands for the human beings. Hanuman stands for the Angels. Gopikas stand for the sages. The test for Arjuna is in the level of human beings. The test for Hanuman is in the level of Angels. The test for Gopikas is in the level of sages. These three tests can be compared to quarterly, half yearly and final examinations, if the entire spiritual effort is compared to a one year academic course.

The faith of human beings in the service of the human incarnation can stand firm, if the human incarnation is without selfishness and helps protect justice in the welfare of society. Krishna proposed...

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Posted on: 19/09/2010

The original God, having no spatial dimensions, is beyond space. If you want to see such original God, you have to cross the space. In doing so, you have to reach the boundary of the space. Unless you cross the boundary of Andhra Pradesh, you cannot enter Tamilnadu. If you reach the boundary of Andhra Pradesh, you can see Tamilnadu from there. Similarly, if you reach the boundary of space, you can see the original God starting from that boundary. But, space is infinite and hence, its boundary can never be achieved. If the original God has spatial dimensions, it means, the space is in God. It means, you have not achieved the boundary of space. Your intelligence can never cross the spatial dimensions...

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Posted on: 01/09/2010

[Krishna Ashtami] The essence of the entire message of Lord Krishna, the Bhagavad Gita, is to develop the highest state in which you can be in the state of continuous enjoyment and happiness through entertainment. If you can enjoy the problems also, such continuous state of happiness is possible. The human being has always the worst tendency to pick-up negative things only in life and go on brooding over those things. Either you should avoid thinking about those negative things (Dhyayato vishayaan…) or you should be able to enjoy those negative things also like the dish of chillies in meals. Avoiding the thinking of negative things in life is impossible since they touch and penetrate the mind...

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Posted on: 01/09/2010

[Krishna Ashtami Evening Message] Gopikas were the sages born as ladies. The sages propagated the ethics as word of God for the sake of balance of the society. During such propagation, some sages were overcome by the sacredness of ethics and thought that God became sacred by ethics, since He always supported ethics. Such sages born as Gopikas, failed to reach the Lord in the night when His flute was heard. The sages, who always thought that the sacredness of ethics is always due to God only, could run to God, violating the ethical tradition. The reality is that the value of any ethical principle is due to the fact that it is valuable since it is the word of God. It means that every word of God is ethical and it does not mean that God speaks only ethical...

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