Shri Datta Swami

 04 Feb 2005


If the Lord is pleased by our sacrifice, is He not a sadist?

Swami replied:- The real love requires the unhappiness by sacrifice. In such sacrifice one feels happy since he has sacrificed to the Lord. You take a mother for example. She gives food to her child and suffers with hunger. But she feels very happy in that suffering. A human being cannot give anything in return for such real love. Even if he gives something it is only temporary. But when your real love is proved by sacrifice, the Lord gives the permanent fruit i.e., Brahma Loka. Shaktuprashtha gave his food to the Lord in human form although he had not had food for the past ten days. [The Lord came in the form of a guest to Shaktuprastha and asked for food]. If the guest was an ordinary human being, the guest must have been a sadist, because he never cared about the hunger of Shakthprastha. But since the guest was the Lord, Shaktuprastha was given infinite wealth in this world and also the permanent Brahma Loka after death. Therefore you must be very careful in fixing the human form of the Lord. Otherwise if the human form is an ordinary human being, you are deceived and such a human being is definitely a sadist. The unhappiness in sacrifice and the happiness that neutralizes the unhappiness are the characteristics of the path of the sacrifice. The Lord does not insist on this path. The path should come from the depth of your heart with full willingness. If you fear unhappiness you can never follow that path. When it comes to your children, you will not put this question because you have real love for them. Do you not sacrifice your food for your child and even though you suffer with hunger, you feel happy? Since you do not have real love for the Lord, this question is coming to your mind.
