Shri Datta Swami

 07 Feb 2005


Is it possible to practice your spiritual knowledge?

[When shall we open the divine knowledge and when shall we open the blissful heart?]

Swami replied:- You analyse your bond with your wife and the bond with your son. You love your wife only for your happiness as said in the Veda (Atmanah kamaya…). If the wife troubles the husband, the husband leaves the wife by taking a divorce. The same naure of bond exists from the side of wife also towards the husband. Therefore, this bond is for self-bliss. The wife or the husband is an instrument to attain self-bliss. The wife or husband does not love the other for the sake of the other’s happiness. Similarly the people of Pravritti love God for their selfish bliss. If you take the bond to the son, the father or mother works hard for the happiness of their son. In this case the bond with the son is for the bliss of the son and not for the self-bliss. Similarly, the devotees in Nivritti love God to please Him and not for any self-bliss. Therefore, put God in the place of your son. Then this spiritual knowledge becomes practically possible.

When you are searching for an ideal wife and considering several prospective matches, you should use your brain to analyse and select the best girl as your wife. While selecting the best match, you should not open your blissful heart with every girl. Before selection, take time and have all the patience. Use your brain and logic in evaluating the qualities of every girl. When you have decided the best girl, then you should close your brain and open your blissful heart. If your love for your wife is real, you will not aspire for self-bliss and you will do anything to please her. Similarly in selecting the form of God, you should use your brain and logic and take the help of the divine knowledge. Some say that God is formless, some say that God is your self, some say that God is in form of statues, some say that God is in the form of natural items like the sun, some say that God is in a particular human form etc.,). [You have to establish that the human incarnation of God is the best form for a human being].

Then you have to select the path to please God. There too, you should use divine knowledge. People claim different paths to please Him. Some say prayers, some say meditation, some say self-analysis, some say sacrifice of work, some say sacrifice of fruit of work etc. [You have to establish that sacrifice of the work and the fruit of the work, are the real ways to please God].

Now you should open your blissful heart before God. Here also your aim must be to please God [God’s bliss] and not your self-bliss. When you are traveling to reach a town to meet some family, you must use your brain and logic. Otherwise, if you use your blissful heart and follow an attractive wrong path, you will not reach your destination. After reaching your destination, you can open your blissful heart before your family members.
