04 Feb 2005
Swami replied:- In the previous ages people were of a high spiritual standard. There was not much need for preaching divine knowledge. Even if there was a small necessity, the servants and disciples of Lord Datta used to come as human incarnations. They could solve the minor problems and used to leave the world. But today the situation is completely different. The spiritual standard has fallen. Generally, when the standard falls the people become ignorant. It is easy to teach an ignorant person and a scholar. Therefore in the present situation, if the people were simply ignorant, it would have been very easy to preach to them. But today the spiritual standard is less and at the same time, the people have become very very intelligent. The meaning of the Veda has been twisted to suit their convenience. At the same time they want the highest result.
For example, the Gita says that the fruit of the work should be sacrificed (Karmajam Buddhi Yuktahi Phalam Tyaktva) and it further says that if one sacrifices the desire for the fruit of the work, he can easily sacrifice the fruit of the work. The reason for not sacrificing the fruit of the work was found to be the desire for the fruit of the work. Therefore desire for the fruit of the work is to be sacrificed, so that one can sacrifice the fruit of the work easily. But people have taken the essence of the Gita as the sacrifice of the desire of the fruit of the work and not the actual sacrifice of the fruit of the work. Thus the Gita has been misinterpreted and the sacrifice of fruit of work has been buried because it is not convenient for people who have love for their families and greediness. Hence they only sacrifice the desire for the fruit of the work and enjoy the fruit of the work. They say that they will get salvation because they followed the Gita.
Similarly the Veda says that one can attain salvation by the sacrifice of money (Dhanena Tyagena). But people have introduced the work ‘na’ which means ‘no’ before the word ‘Dhanena’. The Veda has thus been twisted and a wrong meaning is extracted as follows: One cannot attain the Lord by earning, enjoying and sacrificing of money. This led to inaction. People have become lazy and do not work to earn money. They started depending on others claiming themselves as saints. Thus the real meaning of the Veda was twisted and a wrong path was established. People have become very talented in creating such twisted meanings. Thus in the Kali Yuga people are not ignorant, but they have become over-intelligent.
The development of science also made them analyze the spiritual concepts with an opposing tendency. Scientists have become atheists, forgetting that science is also a divine knowledge given by the Lord called as ‘Pravritti’. Under such circumstances nobody other than Lord Datta can clear the situation. The ‘Sadguru’ Himself has to come down as the Lord in the human form. This is the reason why Lord Datta Himself started coming down to this world in human form in the present age.