Shri Datta Swami

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Swami answers questions of Shri Satthireddy

Posted on: 29/07/2023

1. Why did Sitamma love Lord Rama so much and even Mandodari respect Lord Rama?

[Shri Satthireddy asked: Mee Paada Padmaalaku Namaskaram Swamiji. Swamiji, mother Sitamma wants Lord Rama to be her husband in next life also even though she had undergone many difficulties. But Ravana was living in a golden castle along with his wife Mandodari. But at the time of death, Ravana's wife abused Ravana only...

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Swami, please enlighten me about the word 'Japa'.

Posted on: 29/07/2023

[A question by Prof. JSR Prasad]

Swami Replied:- Japa means the literature expressed by mouth as well as thought by mind (vyaktāyāṃ vāci mānase ca). This literature belongs to the divine qualities and divine personality of God. It means, the information related to the greatest position of God that is repeated again and again. Such repetition of the information about God in mind takes place when the devotee is alone. The same repetition takes place through speech...

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Is the suffering of Jesus for the sins of all souls or only His real devotees?

Posted on: 27/07/2023

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, You told that Jesus suffered for the sins of His real devotees only and not for the sins of all the souls. Christians say that Jesus suffered the sins of all souls existing in the creation. Don’t You feel that what Christians say indicates very broad kindness of Jesus than what You say?]

Swami replied:- In such a case, there is no distinction between justice and injustice because people doing justice and people...

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Does 'Jnaanaagnih...' mean the destruction of sins by knowing knowledge alone?

Posted on: 27/07/2023

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- While answering my question just now, You told that Christianity shall not stop at the second stage of repentance and confession. But, when You quoted Gita, it says that the sins will end at the stage of knowing the knowledge, which is the first stage of reformation i.e., realization of sins, which means that we can stop at the first stage itself. Please explain.]

Swami replied:- You have misunderstood that knowledge means the first stage of reformation, which is realization of sins done by the soul. Several times, I told that knowledge means the information of the total topic related...

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Please clarify the word 'life' in view of respiration.

Posted on: 27/07/2023

Swami replied:- Respiration is just a mechanical process that can be demonstrated in a laboratory. You can take oxygen from the air and with the help of that oxygen, you can oxidize some food and release inert energy. In this process, carbon dioxide is released, which can be sent back into the air. This experiment is called as respiration. By demonstration of this experiment...

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Satsanga On Guru Puurnimaa (03-07-2023)

Posted on: 25/07/2023

[Swami spontaneously answered the following questions asked by devotees on the online Satsanga held on Guru Puurnima day i.e., on 03-07-2023.]

1. Why did Lord Krishna allow Ayanaghosha to marry Radha? Was it not a sin on the part of Ayanaghosha?

[Shri Durgaprasad asked:- Paadanamaskaaram Swami, Why did Lord Krishna allow Ayanaghosha to marry Radha? Was it not sin on the part of Ayanaghosha? At Your lotus feet, Durgaprasad]

Swami replied:- Here, the personality of Radha is projected. The character of Ayanaghosha is only a secondary item and not the main character of the drama. Radha is to be projected and through Radha, a climax devotee is to be projected. Radha married Ayanaghosha who was actually the brother of Yashoda and he worked in the court of Kamsa. Here, Radha was older than Krishna due to which she was not married to Krishna...

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My Experiences with my Sadguru His Holiness Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 23/07/2023

[By Surya]

Guru Datta   Shri Datta   Prabhu Datta. With the salutations at the lotus feet of Swami, I would like to share my experiences with my contemporary human incarnation of Lord Datta i.e., His Holiness Shri Datta Swami. Recently, I along with my family visited Shiva Temple in Amarnath, Kashmir along with Shri Phani, Shri Ajay garu & family and Shri Lakshman garu & family. We experienced many miraculous incidents. Right now, I am sharing some of the experiences here.

i) Vibhuti scents: During this pilgrimage, I experienced the divine scents of Vibhuti at many places. I felt that because the pilgrimage is to Amarnath...

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Is it possible to correlate all world religions in view of the violence existing in some world religions?

Posted on: 23/07/2023

[A question by Shri TV Sitarama Shastry]

Swami Replied:- Your idea is that non-violent sub-religions of Hinduism can be correlated, but, some violent world-religions can’t be correlated with non-violent world-religions. In Hinduism also, the history says that in the past, there was violence among some sub-religions. Extreme emotional souls exist in every region and religion in this world. Hence, violence is a common point in all the world-religions due to the presence of extreme emotion...

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Why does God not give salvation to all souls?

Posted on: 23/07/2023

[Shri KS Pavan Kumar asked:- I belong to the tradition of Shri Madhva. We believe that  souls are entangled in the cycle of deeds and fruits rotating in an endless cycle. Why not the omnipotent God give salvation to all souls, which He can do in a fraction of a second?]

Swami replied:- A wealthy person established a college and was engaged in its administration to pass  time with entertainment. Why not declare all students as having passed the examination so that all students will be happy? Everybody will tell that this is injustice. Even if you pass an undeserving student...

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Is destiny playing an important role in putting in spiritual effort (Saadhana)?

Posted on: 23/07/2023

[A question by Shri KS Pavan Kumar]

Swami replied:- This human world is actually a sub-world in the Bhuuloka or the first upper world. This human world is called as Martyaloka since human beings having birth and death live in it. This is also called as Karmaloka, which means that human beings are allowed...

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Dattamata Vimshati: Verse 11

Posted on: 23/07/2023

Dattamata Viṃśatiḥ: Verse 11
(Prayer to God Datta)

अनूह्य चिदनन्तशक्ति रिति चित्सदैवोह्यते
नभः पर मनूह्य मत्र चिदभाव मूलासतः ।
चिदेकसमता न तत्प्रकृति सत्तया दृश्यते
विभूत्यणु रपीक्षितो न, किमपरै श्शतै रंशकैः ।। 11...

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Divine Experiences of Dr. Nikhil

Posted on: 22/07/2023

[By Dr. Nikhil]

Due to my spiritual inclination, I was not particularly interested in my worldly education or career. Yet, due to God’s will, I completed my Ph.D. and postdoctoral research in the US. Thereafter, I had to seek a job to support myself and my family, as instructed by Swamiji. I felt inspired to join Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham since Amma’s vision of integrating science and spirituality matched the teaching of Swamiji. Swamiji Himself is a living embodiment...

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Swami answers questions of Shri Anil on Christianity

Posted on: 22/07/2023

1. What is the significance of Swami’s suffering, which Lord Jesus underwent on the cross?

[Shri Anil asked: Padanamskaram Swami, Kindly give Your responses to the following questions-at Your Divine Lotus Feet -anil. In the Mahima Yamuna the following incident is mentioned. “On the day of Good Friday, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, Swami suffered the pains, which Lord Jesus underwent on the cross.” What is the significance of this?]

Swami replied:- The significance of this is to say that one God only existed in all divine forms of God. The first energetic...

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Why should we control our emotions?

Posted on: 22/07/2023

Shri Reman Rana asked: Namaste Swami Ji. My question: I think there are certain behavioral traits of humans that make them humans like affection, anger, envy, sloth, agony etc. Now many yogis and saints say to control these emotions. But I believe that like the behavior of a child is to be innocent, curious, notorious and playful at the same time, it depends on the age of a person to show certain...

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Dattamata Vimshati: Verse 10

Posted on: 22/07/2023

Dattamata Viṃśatiḥ: Verse 10
(Philosophy of God Datta in twenty verses)

अनूह्यमत एव यन्नभ उदेति पूर्वं न सत्
सति प्रभव एव नो न च धिया कदा sप्यूह्यते ।
करोति किमपि प्रकृत्यस दतर्क्य शक्ते र्दहत्
नचाग्नि रचिदूहकृ त्समगतं विना निर्गमम् ।। 10 ...

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Dattamata Vimshati: Verse 9

Posted on: 21/07/2023

Dattamata Viṃśatiḥ: Verse 9
(Philosophy of God Datta in twenty verses)

विपर्यय उदेति शिष्यनिचये पुरो ब्रह्मधीः
तदन्ववयवात्मधी स्तदनु सेवको दत्त! ते ।
त्रयोsपि गुरव स्तवाकृतय एव मेकायनाः
नर स्सदयनं गतः कलह एष मन्दमत्युद्भवः ।। 9 ...

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Understanding the authorities from scriptures on burning of ghee in a physical fire

Posted on: 21/07/2023

[Prof. Dr. JSR Prasad asked:- Sāṣṭāṅga praṇāmas Swami. i) One scholar quoted the first sentence of Yajurveda (Iṣe tvo tvorje tvā…), ii) Verse from Gita (Yajñādbhavati parjanyaḥ..) and iii) another verse from Gita (Devān bhāvayatā'nena…) and argued that burning of ghee in the physical fire is correct. Please explain these three authorities in opposing his arguments. - At Your holy lotus feet.]

Swami Replied:- i) ‘Iṣā’ means the knowledge of cooking the food as per the commentary of Vidyaranya. This sentence says about cooking the food on physical fire for the sake of pacifying the hunger of spiritual devotees through best sacrifice (Śreṣṭhatamāya karmaṇe). This does not say that...

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Quantum levels of spiritual life and worldly life for a spiritual aspirant

Posted on: 21/07/2023

Ms. Thrylokya asked: Swami, What are the quantum levels of spiritual life and worldly life in the case of a human being trying to attain the grace of God?

Swami replied:- Spiritual life, which is concentration on the work of God is like eating curd rice. Worldly life involving all materialistic aspects is like pickle that is to be tasted now and then while eating the curd rice just for the change of taste. Of course, the climax level devotees are always in constant devotion...

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Dattamata Vimshati: Verse 8

Posted on: 20/07/2023

Dattamata Viṃśatiḥ: Verse 8
(Philosophy of God Datta in twenty verses)

नराङ्ग गुरुदत्त! तत्त्रिमत भाषणं नास्तिके
मतं विधिकृतं हरे स्तदपि मध्यमे चोत्तमे ।
शिवस्य विदधासि मत्तवृषभग्रहन्यायतो
गुरुश्श्रित दयोदधि स्त्वमसि शिष्यवात्सल्यधीः ।। 8 ...

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The total picture of Guru Dakshina to the Sadguru

Posted on: 20/07/2023

Ms. Thrylokya asked: Swami, please explain the total picture of Guru Dakshina (money offering) to the Sadguru.

Swami replied:- It depends on your capability (Yathaa shakti) and your devotion (Yathaa bhakti) to the preacher or Guru. There are five possibilities:-

1. If your capacity is 100 and your devotion to Guru is 100, give 100 as Guru Dakshina.

2. If your capacity is 100 and your devotion to Guru is 10, give 10 only to Guru as Guru Dakshina.

3. If your capacity is 10 and your devotion to Guru is 100...

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Note: Articles marked with symbol are meant for scholars and intellectuals only


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