Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 22 Jul 2023


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Dattamata Vimshati: Verse 10

Dattamata Viṃśatiḥ: Verse 10
(Philosophy of God Datta in twenty verses)

अनूह्यमत एव यन्नभ उदेति पूर्वं न सत्
सति प्रभव एव नो न च धिया कदा sप्यूह्यते ।
करोति किमपि प्रकृत्यस दतर्क्य शक्ते र्दहत्
नचाग्नि रचिदूहकृ त्समगतं विना निर्गमम् ।। 10

Anūhyamata eva yannabha udeti pūrvaṃ na sat
Sati prabhava eva no na ca dhiyā kadā ‘pyūhyate ।
Karoti kimapi prakṛtyasa datarkya śakter dahat
Na cāgni rachidūhakṛ tsamagataṃ vinā nirgamam ।। 10

[The unimaginable God is beyond imagination of anybody because the unimaginable God is the generator of space. Space cannot exist in its cause (God). If space exists in God even before its generation, the generation of space becomes meaningless. If the effect exists in cause, you cannot say that the cause generated the effect. When God has no space in Him, He is not having spatial dimensions and volume. Any item without volume, can never be imagined even if one tries for millions of lives. The unimaginable God can do any impossible activity due to His omnipotence, which is unimaginable. This means that any work can be generated from the unimaginable God even though the cause of the work is absent in the unimaginable God. Even though, the unimaginable God is not fire, He can burn anything. Similarly, even though the unimaginable God is not awareness (and also not associated with awareness), He can think very well. Similarly, without any movement from His original position (He is always beyond creation), He is effectively omnipresent while He is not present anywhere in the world. By omniscience, He knows every bit of the creation and by omnipotence, He can do anything and control anything at any place in the creation. This is effective omnipresence, which is not literal omnipresence. God is literally omniscient and omnipotent whereas, God is only effectively omnipresent. If God is literally omnipresent, He is present in sinners also without controlling them. To avoid this blame on God, God is said to be omnipresent effectively and not literally. Omnipotence by unimaginable power can alone be said to be the nature of unimaginable God because omnipotence only is creating omniscience also and omnipotence alone is creating effective omnipresence. Hence, it is sufficient if you say that unimaginable God is omnipotent since His omniscience and effective omnipresence are also due to His omnipotence only.]

