Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 23 Jul 2023


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Dattamata Vimshati: Verse 11

Dattamata Viṃśatiḥ: Verse 11
(Philosophy of God Datta in twenty verses)

अनूह्य चिदनन्तशक्ति रिति चित्सदैवोह्यते
नभः पर मनूह्य मत्र चिदभाव मूलासतः ।
चिदेकसमता न तत्प्रकृति सत्तया दृश्यते
विभूत्यणु रपीक्षितो न, किमपरै श्शतै रंशकैः ।। 11

Anūhya cidanantaśakti riti citsadaivohyate
Nabhaḥ para manūhya matra cidabhāva mūlāsataḥ ।
Cidekasamatā na tatprakṛti sattayā dṛśyate
Vibhūtyaṇu rapīkṣito na, kimaparai śśatai raṃśakaiḥ ।। 11

[The omnipotent God is always unimaginable and is called as unimaginable awareness. The awareness or individual soul is always imaginable being an item of the imaginable world. God is unimaginable because He is always beyond the imaginable space or universe. Hence, God is neither awareness nor God is associated with awareness. The imaginable awareness is having its material cause as the inert energy and instrumental cause as the materialized nervous system (the inert energy is transformed into awareness in a functioning brain-nervous system). Both these inert energy and nervous system are absent in the unimaginable God because before creation, neither the inert energy nor matter existed and at that time, the unimaginable God thought of creation. You may argue that awareness is always imaginable whether the context is thinking of God or thinking of the individual soul. We agree that in both these contexts, the awareness is imaginable. By this similarity, you cannot say that the unimaginable God and imaginable soul are one and the same. In the case of the individual soul, both inert energy and nervous system exist as cause of imaginable awareness whereas, in God, both these are not at all present to generate imaginable awareness. Moreover, the individual soul is said to be seen by eyes (Dṛśyate tvagrayā buddhyā – Veda and Paśyanti jñānacakṣuṣaḥ – Gita) because the imaginable awareness appears as energetic waves on the screen of medical equipment whereas the unimaginable God is not only unseen, but is also unimaginable. Why all these unnecessary points? because just one point is sufficient, which is that God is the infinite ocean of miracles and the soul is unable to show even at least an atom of miracle!]
