Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 18 Nov 2022


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Are guilt and complaining by nature harmful?

[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, Swami Vivekananda said in a speech that, guilt and a complaining nature are harmful. Is that true? -At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Bhanu Samykya.]

Swami replied:- Any quality is good in a context and the same quality is bad in another context. You should not generalize any quality to be good or bad in all contexts. Even if a quality is bad in all contexts, it is good in one context at least. You have to identify such single context and use the bad quality towards the good side in that single specific context. This does not mean that the bad quality, which is bad shall be used in good angle in the same context. What I mean is that violence is bad in killing soft nature animals for the sake of food. In the same context, you cannot turn the same quality in to a good angle. This quality becomes good when you kill a cruel animal coming to attack you or some others. You should not select a bad quality pinned to a single context and then say that it is a permanent bad quality.
