Shri Datta Swami

 26 Aug 2024


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Does Jnaana yoga overlap with Karma yoga?

[Ms. Saatvika asked: ⁠⁠⁠Since we are putting effort in learning knowledge and analysing and assimilating, is Jnaana yoga overlapping with Karma yoga? In the case of Samnyaasis, aren't both the same. Aren't they using only word and mind? How are they doing karma?]

Swami replied:- In strict sense, every item and every action is Karma Yoga or dynamism only. If you take even an atom, the sub-atomic particles are dynamic. Similarly, thinking and speaking are also dynamic. The whole creation itself in the sense of items and works can be viewed as dynamism or action or Karma Yoga only. But, we have the classification of somethings as static and some other things as dynamic. Doing is work and doer is also work in the deepest sense as explained above. In such case, you will not find any difference between doer and doing. Therefore, we have to control ourselves from the deepest and sharpest analysis. We have to stay at a certain middle level in which all human beings are standing and then do the analysis. At this normal level, knowledge and devotion are theoretical whereas practical devotion is practical action. As per science, this entire creation is inert energy and awareness and matter are its forms only. Based on this, are we not recognizing matter and awareness?

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