Shri Datta Swami

 25 Aug 2024


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If there is no merger between the minds of married couples, what shall be done?

[Shri Anil asked:- Paadanamaskaaram Swami. Please give answer to the following question, at Your Lotus Divine Feet-anil

Qn. If there is no merge between minds of already married couples having children, and if one is refusing to stay with the other, what shall be done in such case?]

Swami replied:- Since the marriage is over and children are also born due to the physical merge, it is better to adjust even if minds do not merge. There are several things in this world, which we do even if our minds do not like. This hormonal union with husband or wife can also be treated as one of such things. In fact, in India, there were and are millions of women, who are existing like that. Therefore, it is better to marry after the mental merge without giving much importance to the physical merge. Physical merge provoked by hormonal lust is just for few minutes only whereas the mental merge stays throughout the life. If the mental merge is based on the spiritual knowledge of God, such merge continues in all the future births also. The Curie Couple had mental merge in their scientific research and were happy throughout their life. Similarly, the Sage-Couples were having mental merge in the spiritual knowledge of God and such couples are always born as couples in all their subsequent births! Any couple linked with each other in the spiritual knowledge of God will be born as couple in every future human birth.

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