Shri Datta Swami

 19 Aug 2024


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Is my daughter a lower incarnation of Shakti?

[Smt. Sudha Rani asked:- Swami, You told me long back that my daughter Thrylokya is the incarnation of Shakti. Certainly, she is not the incarnation of Shakti like Sarasvati or Lakshmi or Parvati. She must have been the lower incarnation of either Ellamma, Nalla Pocamma, etc. Am I right?]

Swami replied:- When somebody cannot tolerate the greatness of another human devotee and tries to lower that devotee, God will not allow that and maintains His word to be the perfect truth by giving a counter argument. Since Thrylokya is your daughter and much much smaller than yourself in your eyes, you tried to lower her by telling that at the maximum she may be the low Ellamma. But, do you know who is Ellamma? Ellamma is Renukaa Shakti, who is the mother of Parashuraama. Goddess Renuka was praised to be Shakti in the first holy Kruta Yuga, Sita was praised as Shakti in Treta Yuga, Draupadi was praised as Shakti in Dvaapara Yuga and several local forms were praised as Shakti in Kali Yuga (Kṛte tu Reṇukā śaktiḥ…). Out of all the four Yugas, Kruta Yuga is the highest and the most holy. Hence, Renuka is considered to be the highest and the most holy form of Shakti (called Mahaa Maayaa), who comes down to earth to help the divine program of every incarnation of God Datta. You tried to keep her in the lowest position and the same lowest position happens to be the highest position not known by you! This is like the illusion in which justice appears as injustice and we are misled that God is opposing justice by supporting injustice during the test in Mahaaa Nivrutti.


I already gave a similar example of suppression of women by upper caste males that ended in reverse gear due to the will of God. Gayatri and performance of Vedic sacrifice (Yajna) were denied to women. On sharp analysis, it is clearly found that the Gayatri and the Vedic sacrifice exist only with women and not with men. Gayatri means singing sweetly the songs in praise of God and not a particular hymn in the Rug Veda present in a specific Vedic meter called Gayatri. Men are simply reciting the hymn of the Rug Veda (false Gayatri) without at least singing that! Yajna means cooking the food with the help of physical fire and supplying it to the divine hunger fire (Vaishvaanaraagni) of hungry guests and this is done by females only and not males! See the wonderful jhalak (brilliant flash) of the unimaginable God given to males, who dug a pit for females and they themselves fell in that pit!!

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