Shri Datta Swami

 19 Aug 2024


Please elaborate more on Dushpravrutti, Pravrutti, Nivrutti and Maha Nivrutti.

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- In yesterday’s Satsanga, Dushpravrutti, Pravrutti, Nivrutti and Maha Nivrutti were discussed. You explained something more. Please elaborate that.]


Swami replied:- There are four states for human beings:-

1) Dushpravrutti:- This is degraded Pravrutti since in Pravrutti,  devotion to God is always impure because such devotion is based on the fulfilment of selfish desires. Here, justice and injustice compete with each other in the election. You will vote for injustice only if it is beneficial to fulfill your selfish desires. In this state, the majority (90%) of humanity exists because every human being is inherently fascinated to selfish desires. If the percentage of intensity of Dushpravrutti is more than 90% in the soul, such souls are called demons. In this category, the souls may believe in God (theists) or may not believe in God (atheists). In this state, the soul’s ultimate aim is only to enjoy the fulfilment of selfish desires in which the help from God is taken as the instrument to achieve the fruits of selfish desires (theists). In this state, God is not required at all if He is not useful in achieving the fruits of selfish desires. If the desire for the fruits of selfish desires is very much, these souls may become atheists. There is no difference between demons and atheists except that demons use God in attaining their selfish happiness whereas atheists reject the concept of God. To conclude, there is no trace of real love to God in this state.

2) Pravrutti:- There is a trace (0.1%) of real love to God and in the rest 99.9% of love, these souls are not at all different from the above mentioned souls of Dushpravrutti. In this state, when justice and injustice compete with each other in the election, these souls vote for justice by controlling their selfish desires because these souls are well aware of the punishments of sins given by God here as well as in hell. They vote for justice due to fear (99.9%) only since their trace of true love to God (0.1%) is very much negligible. Even though it is told that God likes justice and is furious against injustice, these souls oppose injustice and follow justice due to fear of God and not due to real love to God. Here, the true love to God is superimposed on the fear like the serpent on the rope as illusion. Had  hell been absent, these souls will certainly become the above mentioned souls of Dushpravrutti.

3) Nivrutti:- This word means detachment from all the worldly bonds including self. This is attained by complete attachment to God or Daiva Pravrutti (Pravrutti basically means attachment). The true love to God in the case of these souls is almost 100%. This state is characterized by:-

i) Learning true and complete spiritual knowledge from the Sadguru or the Guru following the Sadguru strictly (Jnaana Yoga),

ii) The theoretical inspiration or love to God (Bhakti Yoga) generated from the spiritual knowledge and

iii) The practical devotion (Karma Yoga) generated from Bhakti Yoga. This third step consists of two sub-parts:-

a) Karma Samnyaasa or Sacrifice of work or physical energy (service) and

b) Karma Phala Tyaaga or Sacrifice of fruit of work or wealth or matter to Sadguru or God (contemporary human incarnation).

In this state, sometimes, some devotees (due to their hidden jealousy to Sadguru due to the repulsion between common human media) may concentrate on the mission of God that helps this humanity, neglecting God. This state can be considered as the period of study in an academic year since some small defects appear because the 100% true love to God falls to 99% due to the above said ego based jealousy. Dharmaraja is the best example for this state of 99% true love to God because he refused the advice of God Krishna (to tell a lie) in the war giving more importance to justice than God. In this state, the devotees pass the test conducted by God Datta in all the worldly bonds (especially the three strongest worldly bonds or Eshanaatrayam, which are bond with wealth, issues and spouse) except in very sensitive issues like justice and mission of God. In this state, the devotees vote for God against all the worldly bonds except justice and the mission of God. This means that the devotees pass in all the tests except in these two tests, which are:-

i) God competing with justice and ii) God competing with His divine mission.

4) Mahaa Nivrutti:- In this state, the true love to God is always complete and constant. This is the single pointed devotion (Ekabhakti rviśiṣyate - Gita) to God. This state results when God Datta tests the state of Nivrutti of devotees and the devotees pass the test to enter Mahaa Nivrutti. In this state, the test is on very sensitive issues like justice and mission of God. Hanuman, Gopikas, Saktuprastha, Sudaamaa, Prahlaada, etc., are the passed candidates in this state. In these tests, injustice appears as justice due to the illusory power of God and God appears as if He is standing against justice to test us whether our devotion is single pointed or not. After this test, God reveals the illusion and proves that the appearing injustice is actually the real justice so that He confirms that He is never against justice. God teaches the devotees of Nivrutti to become single pointed by saying that the devotee shall worship Him only in all angles leaving even justice and His mission (Manmanā bhava Madbhakto… - Gita) by leaving everything and everybody except Himself (Ananyāḥ… - Gita). One shall not misunderstand that God is really against justice and against His own mission. Preference of God over justice and His mission shall be taken only in the contexts of testing the Nivrutti devotee to lead to Mahaa Nivrutti. Otherwise, generally, everywhere and at every time, God is in favour of justice only and is very fond of His own divine mission.

