Shri Datta Swami

 10 Sep 2024


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Please enlighten me about various bonds in Pravrutti and Nivrutti in the light of the three tests.

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, please enlighten me about various bonds in Pravrutti and Nivrutti in the light of the three tests (Eshanaatrayam) conducted by the contemporary human incarnation of God.]

Swami replied:-

Pravrutti Bonds


Worldly relationship bonds existing between any two souls:- Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister, Husband, Wife, Darling, Master, Servant, Preacher (Guru), Student, etc. All these bonds are temporary not existing in the previous births and will not exist in the future births. They exist only in the present birth and hence, they are temporary. Anything temporary is unreal and reality is always permanent in past, present and future.


Worldly relationship bonds existing between God (completely hiding Himself) and non-devoted (to human form of God) souls:- All the above mentioned bonds can exist between God in human form and soul (but God is hiding Himself from the soul since the soul is not devoted to the God in human form believing Him only in a specific worldly bond relationship). This means that the contemporary human incarnation is taking birth in a specific family (like any other soul) and the hidden God (hiding Himself due to lack of recognition and devotion from the other side) behaves like any other worldly soul.

Nivrutti Bonds


Worldly relationship bonds existing between unhidden God and devoted souls:- Devoted souls are having the above said (Type-2) worldly family relationship with God in alive human form as in the above mentioned Type-2. Here, the family relationship is not at all important, which is totally insignificant. Only the devotion is the essence of the bond, which is the unhidden alive human form of God – worldly related human devotee. In this bond, existing worldly bonds have no significance. The worldly family relationship is considered as zero since this bond is in Nivrutti.


God-devotee bond not superimposed by any specific worldly bond by outside devotees:- These devotees are outsiders only having no worldly family relationships with God in alive human form (not Type-2). Here, these devotees do not superimpose any worldly relationship on their God-devotee bonds. This bond is purely God–devotee bond only.


God-devotee bond superimposed by a specific worldly bond liked by outside devotees:- These devotees are also outsiders only having no worldly family relationships with God in alive human form (not Type-2). Here, these devotees superimpose some worldly relationship liked by them on their God-devotee bonds. This bond is God-devotee bond on which a worldly relationship liked by the devotee is superimposed.

Let us examine Type-4 and Type-5 bonds for which Tulasidas and Miira are the examples respectively. Tulasidas is Type-4 because Tulasidas became the devotee of God Rama and this bond is purely God-devotee bond. Miira is Type-5 because Miira became the devotee of God Krishna and this bond is basically God-devotee bond, which is superimposed by an assumed worldly husband-wife (or male darling – female darling) bond. The only difference here is that even though both these examples were not Type-2 (not having any real worldly relationship), both were having bonds with past human incarnations of God and not contemporary human incarnations of God. In both Tulasidas and Miira, God-devotee bond is common even though in the case of Tulasidas, God-devotee bond is pure and in the case of Miira, God-devotee bond is superimposed by an assumed worldly bond. In both cases, the actual worldly bonds competed with the God-devotee bond only. Both Tulasidas and Miira left their actual worldly spouse bonds for the sake of God.

Tulasidas left his wife for the sake of God and Miira left her husband for the sake of God. Both Tulasidas and Miira were preacher and student respectively! The total concept will remain the same even if we replace the past human incarnations of their cases with contemporary human incarnations of their time. In the case of Miira, the most important point is that her innermost God-devotee bond only competed with the actual worldly husband-wife bond. Her assumed superimposed worldly bond (assumed God husband–wife) did not compete with the actual worldly husband–wife bond. This means that God and her worldly husband competed with each other and not husband–1 (God husband present in the assumed and superimposed bond) and husband–2 (actual worldly husband). It is not a fight between two husbands, but it is a fight between God and husband. Similarly, in the case of a Gopika having God Krishna as her contemporary human incarnation as assumed and superimposed husband–1, there was  no competition with her actual worldly husband–2. This was not a competition between assumed husband–1 (darling) and the actual husband–2. This was the competition between God Krishna (as assumed husband–1 acting as darling) and her actual husband. Her husband–1 was God and her husband–2 was a worldly soul. The competition was between God and soul and not between two husband souls! Krishna was taken as God Krishna by the Gopika and Krishna was not taken as an ordinary soul by her.

If Krishna was taken as an ordinary soul by Gopika, the competition would have been between two souls, one soul as assumed husband and the other soul as the real husband, in which case it is a competition between two husband souls. If this was the case, both Krishna and Gopika should have gone to hell! Sage Naarada explained two points here:- i) Gopika took Krishna as God Krishna (contemporary human incarnation) and the competition was between God and an ordinary soul (Tatrāpi na māhātmya jñāna vismṛtyapavādaḥ) and ii) If Gopika took Krishna as an ordinary soul, the competition would be between an assumed husband and the actual husband, in which case both Krishna and Gopika would have gone to hell (Tadvihīnaṃ jārāṇāmiva).

Of course, God Krishna went to hell taking double punishment for Himself and the Gopika even though there was no sin at all since it was voting for God even against justice (looking like injustice). This was done by God Krishna so that ordinary human beings will not imitate God through misinterpretations. In fact, God Krishna proved Himself as God through i) unimaginable knowledge shown in the Gita as God Brahmaa, ii) unimaginable love shown to real devotees like Gopikas by creating Goloka above His head so that the feet dust of Gopikas will fall continuously on His head as God Vishnu and iii) unimaginable events called miracles throughout His life as God Shiva (proving Himself to be the topmost incarnation of God Datta). Hence, sweet devotion is one of the best ways to reach God and not the only best way denying the other best ways. Sweet devotion is optional to the personal liking of the devotee and is not mandatory for every devotee. Even in the test of one of the three strongest worldly bonds, the test is only based on the compared weights of true love to the contemporary human form of God and the spouse-soul. It is only a voting-competition between divine devotion and worldly love.

This is My last answer–insulin injection for the topic of sweet devotion–diabetes of the above said both Type-1 and Type-2 Pravrutti devotee–patients and Type-3, Type-4 and Type-5 Nivrutti devotee–patients!!!

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