Shri Dattaguru Bhagavat Gita: Shiva Khanda: Chapter-10
(Song of Preacher – God Shri Datta)
Part-3: Shiva Khanda (Part of Shiva)
Chapter 10: DATTA NISSVĀRTHA SEVĀ PHALA YOGAḤ (Vision of fruit of Selfless Service to Datta)
God-preacher Shri Datta spoke:-
- All the eight types of miraculous powers (Ashta Siddhis) are the powers created by Me only. I give these powers to My devotee, who is involved in the propagation of My spiritual knowledge in this world. During propagation, there is a necessity for these powers to be exhibited by My devotee.
- These eight miraculous powers give fame and worldly enjoyment, by which the souls fall down. When these two are joined, the soul is burnt by fire joined with air. Hence, don’t aspire for these miraculous powers that make You fall down. I will exhibit the miracles whenever there is a need during Your propagation of spiritual knowledge.
- When these both are united like the seed and water, huge ego comes out like a gigantic tree, by which You feel that You are God. Your disciples praise You and You will be suppressed up to the bottom most world called as paataala loka.
- The main use of these eight miraculous powers is only the conversion of an atheist into theist. Hence, You should be very careful about their prescribed direction. If the direction is diverted to other sides, You are sure to fall down.
- Whenever You feel that You are God by some petty miraculous powers, You compare Yourself with the absolute unimaginable God having the three special powers, which are creation, maintenance and dissolution of this world.
- The main qualities of this Datta Parabrahma are three, which are preaching spiritual knowledge, doing works without selfishness and unlimited kindness towards the true devoted souls.
- By attaining these simple eight miraculous powers, a soul cannot become God Datta. If the above mentioned three qualities exist in a soul, such a soul can be certainly declared as God Datta only.
- By the eight petty miraculous powers, a soul cannot become God Datta. A soul can become God Datta only if the above mentioned three inherent qualities exist in a soul. A fox cannot become tiger by painting itself with yellow color and decorating its skin with black marks. It can become the tiger only when it exhibits the inherent courage and valor of the tiger. I will give monism, monism due to inseparable dualism and perfect dualism to My servants as per the need of the context during the propagation of My spiritual knowledge. My servant need not aspire for these from Me. I am very alert whenever there is a real need.
- ‘Saalokya’ means entry of the atheist on becoming theist, into the spiritual world in which I always exist. ‘Saamiipya’ means becoming close to Me through My service, which indicates the perfect dualism between Me and the devotee (Madhva). ‘Saaruupya’ means total merge of My first energetic form in the form of My closest devotee, maintaining the basic dualism, even though the monism results due to inseparable dualism (Ramanuja). ‘Saayujya’ means the perfect monism of Myself with the devotee, which results due to My unimaginable power (Shankara). Saamiipya results through service done to Me. Saarupya results through theoretical devotion to Me. Samiipya or closeness attained by service is greater than Saarupya or similar form attained by theoretical devotion. Saayujya results due to the need for preaching true spiritual knowledge.
- I will become the servant of My servant when the service of My devotee reaches the climax. My service is allotted to the devotee, which is the fruit of his/ her devotion. Hence, service to Me is the state of real salvation from all worldly bonds. This is the salvation of perfect dualism.
- In the salvation of monism resulting due to basic inseparable dualism, I feel that My devotee is a part and parcel of Me only, who can’t be isolated from Me forever. This is based on the climax of love between Myself and My devotee.
- Whenever I propagate the true spiritual knowledge in this world, I enter My devotee and become one with him through total merge and this is possible for My omnipotence. In such case, My devotee says that he is God. In fact, I am only speaking that statement through his mouth. This perfect monism is seen in this world whenever a deity merges with a devotee and the devotee saying himself/herself as the deity. Hence, monism is seen in this world.
- When I quit the devotee, the devotee attains his/her original nature of individual soul. If he speaks that he is God even after My quit, it is only clear ego and such devotee will fall down like sage Parashurama thinking that he is God Vishnu even after the exit of God from him after killing all the bad kings. The three states of the three divine preachers are not mentioned between Myself and an atheist. These three states are confined between Me and My devotees only.
- The devotee knows when I enter him and also knows when I quit him. He shall be very careful about this point and shall not speak that he is God after I left him.
- The most ideal servant is Hanuman. Even though I entered Him and merged with Him totally, He is reluctant to say that He is God! In this Kali age, soul speaks that it is God even without My entry! Hence, I am always the most obedient servant of Hanuman. When war took place between Me and Hanuman, I liked to be defeated by Him and got defeated by Him.
- In whatever way My devotee approaches Me, in the same way, I approach My devotee also. If a devotee approaches Me through the path of theoretical devotion only, I also approach him through granting theoretical fruits like granting intelligence to preach spiritual knowledge, granting sweet voice to sing the devotional songs etc. If the devotee approaches Me through practical sacrifice and service, I also approach him by granting the worldly boons practically (in case of aspiration for fruit) or salvation practically or total merge practically (in case of no aspiration for any fruit). I am just the reflection of My devotee as said in the Gita (ye yathā māṃ prapadyante).
- If My servant remains as My servant only forever, I also remain as the servant of My devotee forever. What can there be a better state than this? This state is greater than even perfect monism in which Myself and My devotee are mutually equalized.
- My servants have taken the forms of birds and animals, which are lower than the human form in which I exist as energetic incarnations and as human incarnations. Kaalabhairava is in the form of dog. Garuda is in the form of bird. Nandi is in the form of bull-animal. Hanuman is in the form of monkey. The reason for these forms is their submissiveness as servants before Me.
- You are wasting all Your energies in the worldly issues only like pouring the scent water in ash. You must know that Your energy is limited. Your digestive system is also with limited efficiency and hence, it can’t digest the food continuously and liberate continuous energy. The time is also very limited in the form of Your life. Hence, the energy and time are most valuable items, which should be dedicated in the work of God at least partially, if not totally in the initial stage. The reality is that You are wasting all Your energy and all Your time in the worldly affairs only.
- Sainthood (Samnyaasa) is the highest spiritual state in which all the energy and time are utilized for God only and not at all for the world. The saint leaves even the basic worldly responsibilities for the sake of My work. I take complete care of a saint and never allow him to suffer for anything provided there is reality in his sainthood. The saint cuts all the worldly bonds including the three strongest worldly bonds called as ‘Eshanas’. I always move with them as their servant, always taking the dust of their feet on My head.
- These saints are totally concentrated on Me only because they have the full spiritual knowledge about Me. More the knowledge of the details of an item, more shall be the interest on that item. If You have full details about Me, You will have full interest on Me. If You have a few details only about Me, You will have a little interest on Me. The knowledge is directly proportional to the interest or devotion. The devotion is directly proportional to the practical sacrifice and practical service. These three states are existing subsequently one after the other as presented by Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva. The saint preaches all the spiritual knowledge and in the end, remains silent, which shall not be misunderstood by You as the rest taken by the saint! Silence is the best expression of the original unimaginable God.
- The human beings are in the middle level. They can reduce the unnecessary worldly works and confine to the basic worldly responsibilities through the final spiritual effort. They can cut all the worldly bonds except the three strongest worldly bonds. They can limit their ambitions from Me, but, pray Me for success in their worldly responsibilities. They can develop their bonds with Me, which are equal to the three strongest worldly bonds, but, they can’t sacrifice the strongest worldly bonds if I compete with those! These souls need their development of the talent called as Yoga by which these souls can attain equilibrium state of enjoyment of misery and happiness together in alternative fashion. I advise them not to waste time and energy for the unnecessary worldly issues except the basic worldly responsibilities. The energy and time saved in resisting unnecessary wastage can be diverted to the work of God.
- These middle state human souls are easily misguided falling down frequently due to imperfect knowledge. They are neither totally ignorant nor total scholars. Hence, they are easily misguided by ego and jealousy. They are always attracted by the miraculous powers and fame through such powers. They have the spiritual knowledge along with several doubts. There is no need of a separate preaching about doing the basic worldly responsibilities since they do those responsibilities naturally even without preaching.
- These middle level human beings shall keep the saints always as their ultimate goal. By doing so, they may not reach that state, but, atleast, they will not fall down from their existing state. The lower strata of these human beings are developing their devotion, sacrifice and service not due to real love to God, but, due to the ambition for fulfilling their worldly desires with the help of God.
- The bottom most category of the human souls or atheists, always involved in the enjoyment of worldly pleasures and aspire for the worldly fame. Some of these atheists follow the ethics, but, their ethical behavior is like the scented water poured in drainage water. The reason is that they are forgetting the creator of this world and these worldly facilities and are doing greatest sin called as ungratefulness. There is no greater sin than forgetting the help and becoming ungrateful.
- The highest human soul is the saint, who concentrates all his energy and time for God only leaving all the worldly bonds and the basic worldly responsibilities also. The middle human soul is dedicated to God’s work without any aspiration for fruit spending all the time and energy leftover after spending them for the basic worldly responsibilities, which he can’t leave having full faith on God. The lowest human soul is like the middle human soul only, but differs from him in spending the leftover time and energy for God’s work aspiring for the worldly fruits. The worst human soul is the atheist.
- The lowest human soul as mentioned above does all types of sins for accumulation of wealth due to fascination to self and family and worships God praying Him to cancel all the sins. Even a greedy person has the possibility to attain the grace of God by sacrificing all the illegally earned and accumulated wealth to deserving receivers on one day due to realisation. But, the useless (most worst) fellow, who neither works for God nor works to earn the money due to laziness, does not have that chance of a greedy person, who earned the wealth without laziness. Such most worst fellow spends all the time and energy in unnecessary worldly enjoyments only.
- These most worst fellows are also of two types:- i) those, who attend the basic worldly responsibilities and spend all the rest time and energy in unnecessary worldly enjoyments. Such souls are born as birds and animals. ii) Those, who do not attend even the basic worldly responsibilities and spend all their time and energy in unnecessary worldly enjoyments only, such souls are born as worms in this world.
- I did not become very famous. There is a valid reason for this. I am very liberal in donating the worldly boons. I am very easily pleased just by remembering Me and hence, I am called as ‘Smartrugaamii’. By this weakness, clever worldly souls can easily exploit Me and get big worldly boons from Me very easily and finally fall down. In order to cut the approach of such worldly souls towards Me, My Maya (illusory power) created some false frightening statements like “It is very difficult to catch and worship God Datta”, “God Datta puts severe tests”, “God Datta breaks Your family bonds” etc. I allowed this Maya in the interest of spiritual welfare of the souls.
- I appear in very low states so that You develop full negligence towards Me and hate Me. After this, I appear in the highest state so that You will be astonished with maximum excitement attaining very high bliss. In such state, You praise Me with climax devotion. Hence, all My programs are for Your spiritual welfare only. If I appear in the pious state initially and then appear in the highest state, the gap is little and hence, Your astonishment is always not much.
- I appear as drunkard and as fanatic of prostitutes. My appearance is always conveying the best spiritual knowledge to You. The drunkard and mad fellow after prostitutes are giving most important message to You, which is:- Even though wine and prostitute take away Your wealth, health and give You defame, You are unable to leave both. Similarly, My true devotee, who is My fan can’t leave Me even though I give him losses and difficulties. Such love is real and the best.
- When there is true love without aspiration for any fruit between Myself and My true devotee, counting the value of worship done by him and counting the value of boon given by Me does not arise at all. He will do the worship whatever pleases Me. I will give the boon whatever is needed by him. If the values are counted, such relationship becomes pure business and not true love. Your son is not worshipping You by litting camphor, by litting lights and by praising You with prayers. He does service whenever You need it and that is true love. You are also serving him and sacrificing Your entire wealth to him without aspiring any fruit in return. Your love towards him is also true. In such case, is Your worship with such above mentioned formalities appearing to be true to Your heart? You do My service of propagation of spiritual knowledge since it is the need of present hour. I will also attend all Your needs in this world and in the upper world whenever required. The need based sacrifice and service without any account of the values of items exchanged is the true love. Today, the devotion, sacrifice and service to God are growing day by day due to selfishness, which is the wrong direction. These should grow without selfishness which is the right direction. The right direction is given by true spiritual knowledge and hence, propagation of true spiritual knowledge is the need of the hour.
- I treat the human soul (worshipping and serving Me without aspiration for any fruit after fulfilling the basic worldly responsibilities) of middle state also as almost a saint. Such a soul will reach the perfect state of saint in very short time. He is very near to the goal. He is participating in My work of propagation of My spiritual knowledge without aspiration for any fruit in return. This state is almost the ultimate state.
- You must leave the fascination towards the upper world and the negligence to this world. You are attracted by My energetic incarnations existing in the upper world while You are existing in human body in this world. When You go to the upper world in energetic body, You will neglect My energetic incarnations in the upper world also due to repulsion between common energetic media. When You stay here in Your human body, due to the same reason, You are neglecting My human incarnation here also. Your attraction is on the upper energetic incarnation while You are staying in this human body only in this world. You must come out of the repulsion between common media by which You can be with God, recognizing Him here as well as in the upper world.
- The Veda says that God is existing on this earth in human form seen by Your naked eyes and You are talking with God in human form also (yat sākṣāt aparoṣāt Brahma). You have misunderstood this statement applying it to Yourself and feel that You are the God, but, the Vedic statement is applied to human incarnation only and not to the human being simultaneously. I am constantly coming down as human incarnations into this world in order to uplift these human souls existing in the middle state. There is no need of upliftment of angels belonging to higher state. There is no use in trying to uplift the worst souls, which is impossible. I am putting hectic efforts for these souls existing in the middle human state only. In My work, You shall participate and serve Me without aspiration for any fruit in return since You are My true devotee to feel My service as the fruit and not an effort to get the some other fruit.
Tenth Chapter is completed.
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