Shri Datta Swami

 26 Aug 2024


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Swami answers questions of Ms. Saatvika

1. Should we share the related discourse link to Your website at the end of the discussion?

[Ms. Saatvika asked:- Paadanamaskaaram Swami. Kindly clarify following questions. Please forgive my ignorance ,Swami. At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Saatvika.

⁠When we get into the spiritual discussions with colleagues even if it is related to Pravrutti, should we also share the related discourse links of www.universal-spirituality.org of Your website at the end of the discussion?]

Swami replied:- Yes. You must do that.

2.⁠ ⁠I am holding back from spiritual discussions in office due to fear of judgment. How to get over this?

Swami replied:- If it is inconvenient, avoid it.

3. How can I develop the quality of an extrovert to propagate spiritual knowledge?

[⁠My attitude of being an introvert in Pravrutti is getting reflected in Nivrutti. How can I develop the quality of extrovert pertaining to Nivrutti alone so that I can propagate spiritual knowledge to strangers and colleagues?]

Swami replied:- You can propagate the spiritual knowledge through email messages and social media posts. In fact, this is far better than oral discussions because in oral discussions, complete expression of what you think cannot be done. While writing the concepts, there is full leisure to perfectly express and propagate the spiritual knowledge. I do the propagation in this way as all of you know.

4. Shall I leave my negative qualities and focus on how to please You?

[⁠Is it useless to analyse my samskaras. I can keep on adding all my negative qualities to the list, which are hindering my spiritual progress. But, I only want to focus on how to please You so that in the process, I may be transformed by Your grace. Please comment.]

Swami replied:- The qualities present in the individual soul are very very strong and immovable like huge mountains. Therefore, it is a waste of time to think about your qualities that are solidified like the hardest diamonds. What is the use of thinking or doing anything about such unshakable qualities? Therefore, do not worry about your qualities and waste this little time of human life. It is better you concentrate on the propagation of the true and complete spiritual knowledge of God to the people, whom you can approach. Always make a humble beginning with the least number of participants. A small beginning grows very much like the shadow in the evening. A huge beginning diminishes gradually like the shadow in the morning. God sees only your attention to the concepts and not the number of people covered by you. A doctor in a government hospital treats several patients and no patient is cured even a little. A doctor in a private hospital treats only a very few patients, but every patient is perfectly cured from all types of ailments.


5.⁠ ⁠Should we not share the spiritual knowledge with others if they do not ask for it?

Swami replied:- It is not the question of asking or not asking. It is the question of finding whether the person is having real interest or not in God and His related spiritual knowledge.

6a. Can we consider inert energy as strong physical energy and qualities as subtle inert energy?

[⁠Please clarify the following questions related to the excerpt “Guna or quality is made of weak nervous energy and karma or action is made of strong physical energy.” from the discourse https://www.universal-spirituality.org/discourses/please-explain-the-journey-of-a-soul-to-the-upper-worlds-after-leaving-the-gross-body--4782--4973--ENG

Here, can we consider inert energy as strong physical energy and qualities as subtle inert energy?]

Swami replied:- It is true.

b. When qualities are made of weak nervous energy, why does it take a lot of effort even to divert them towards God?

[When Gunas are made of weak nervous energy, why does it take a lot of effort and practice even to divert the existing Gunas towards God and why can’t we change them instead?]

Swami replied:- Even though gunas are made of weak nervous energy, the position occupied by them is very predominant. We had a very powerful prime minister called Smt. Indira Gandhi. She is a lady and generally ladies have weaker physical constitution than males. Do you mean that a male prime minister will always be more powerful than a female prime minister? If you take the strength of physical energy, even among males, a boxer is most powerful in having a lot of physical power. Does this mean that the prime minister shall always be a boxer for any country so that very powerful administration can be done in the country? Qualities are solidified thoughts existing in the topmost throne, which is the brain in the head. Action is always done by limbs and other parts of the body, which are below the head. It is the position that matters much and not the individual strength. Thoughts rule the body whereas the physical energies present all over the body simply act as per the guidance of thoughts.

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