Shri Datta Swami

 25 Aug 2024


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Swami answers questions of Ms. Swathika Shanmugam

1. Please guide me how to control my ego.

[Ms. Swathika Shanmugam asked:- Paadanamaskaaram Swami. Please guide this ignorant and egoistic soul on the following. At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Saatvika. Swami I’m failing miserably in Your service due to my ego. To even realise that I have so much ego is very painful. Please guide me how to control it. I don’t want to miss You because of my ego.]

Swami replied:- You please read the answer given by Me to the recent question from Ms. Thrylokya (dated 15-08-2024), which you are shortly receiving or already received (Click here to read).

2. Can I come to service only after controlling my ego?

[Swami I don’t want to offer my impure service polluted with ego. Can I come to service only after controlling my ego? Please advise.]

Swami replied:- It is not necessary. While you are doing service to God, you can control your ego simultaneously. Controlling ego takes the whole lifetime. Only those people, who want to escape the service to God will say like this!

3. How to take positive and negative feedbacks equally?

[Swami, how to take positive and negative feedbacks equally. Because of my ego it is becoming hard to accept negative feedbacks though it is for my good only. Please advise on changing my attitude so that it will not hinder my spiritual progress.]

Swami replied:- The answer to be given by Me is already told by you. Positive feedbacks increase your ego whereas negative feedbacks decrease your ego. This is similar to My statement given in My book called ‘Datta Vedam’, which is “By My Grace, you will get difficulties and by My anger, you will get happiness”.

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