Shri Datta Swami

 25 Nov 2024


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Swami answers questions of Prof. JSR Prasad on Space and its Unimaginable Cause

Note: This article is meant for intellectuals only

O Learned and Devoted Servants of God

[Prof. JSR Prasad asked:- Sāṣṭāṅganamaskāram Swami, please enlighten on

1. Logic and science

2. Nature of space and

3. The ultimate unimaginable cause (not in need of created items due to their defects in dealing the topic of ultimate creator of this universe).

This is with reference to the topic read by Dr. Nikhil in the Satsanga conducted on 29.09.2024 (Sunday) about which You also expressed immense pleasure. - At Your divine holy lotus feet.]

Swami replied:-

1. Logic And Science

First, we shall get rid of the difference between old and new logics (since both are basically logic only), impartially considering the merits and defects in the subject only. At the same time, we do not give complete authority to the old logic also because there are some defects in it due to the absence of experimental verification. For example, space is told to have volume (parimāṇa) and sound (śabda) as inherent qualities according to old logic. Due to absence of experimental analysis, this is partially wrong (since volume is a correct quality of space and not sound) because sound needs some medium to propagate and cannot propagate in real space (vacuum). The air molecules present in space become the medium for the propagation of sound. Since space was mistaken as vacuum without noticing the air molecules, this slip happened in the ancient logic. Of course, above the layer of air present around the earth, real vacuum exists. This slip is rectified by new logic or science, which experimentally proved that only electro-magnetic radiations travel in vacuum but not sound energy. Similarly, several ancient philosophers thought awareness to be an eternal item that can be called as God. But, on sharp scientific analysis, it can be easily found that the inert energy supplied by the oxidation of food particles in the mitochondria cells is converted into a specific work form called ‘awareness’ in the functioning brain-nervous system. When such internal energy is entering a specific system called ‘brain-nervous system’, that internal inert energy is transformed into a specific work form called ‘awareness’. The same electrical energy entering into a cutting machine is transformed into cutting energy (work) based on the specific nature (cutting work) of specific machine (cutting machine) and the same electrical energy is transformed into grinding energy (work) based on the specific nature (grinding work) of specific machine (grinding machine).


Science may not specify God, but, could successfully prove what is not God. Logic (Tarka Śāstra) means the analysis of created items (Tarkyante padārthāḥ asmin iti tarkaḥ). Hence, the subject of old logic is science only. In science also, the same analysis of created items is done and hence, we should not separate old logic and modern science. All this background is given so that we are warned that we are proceeding in the analysis of the ultimate cause of this universe without labelling as old and new logics, which are Tarka and science respectively since both are basically one and the same logic.

2. Nature of Space

First, we shall examine whether space shall be treated as nothing or subtle energy.

Space treated as nothing:- Between these two above mentioned possibilities, let us take the first possibility, which is that space is nothing. Einstein treated space as nothing in the concept of geometrical space between two items of matter (A and B). He says that the geometrical space between the two items of matter (A and B) disappears on the destruction of those two items of matter (A and B). But, this space does not appear to have been destroyed because beyond these two items of matter (A and B), some other items of matter (X and Y) exist between which the space is not destroyed since X and Y are not destroyed. Because of the non-destruction of the second space (between X and Y), the destruction of the first space (between A and B) is not experienced since the first space is a part of the second space. This means that if all items of matter disappear, the total geometrical space, which is this absolute space in reality must disappear in the world. By this theory of Einstein, the entire space in the world is geometrical only and space is forced to be dependent on the absolute existence of matter so that we are again forced to treat space as a secondary pure relative item having relative existence only with respect to matter. As per the Veda (Aatmana aakaashah), space is generated from God as the first item of creation and space is the first pure primarily relative item with respect to the existence of God.

The same space is now becoming a primarily relative item with respect to God as per the Veda and also becoming a secondary relative item with respect to matter as per Einstein. Both these conclusions are conflicting with each other and hence, we need to analyse further to know the final fact. On deep logical analysis, we can imagine only the empty isolated space existing after the dissolution of matter, gross energy and awareness. Therefore, the concept of geometrical space is little bit inconvenient to logic. An item with relative existence cannot be given the inherent status of absolute existence from the angle of any side. For example, the space of the entire world travelled by a dreamer in the dream cannot have absolute existence in any case of logical analysis. When the dream disappears, the dream space also disappears because the dream space is relative with reference to the existence of the dream. Now, the conclusion is that the space in the world is also like the dream space (that depends on the existence of dream) that depends on the existence of the world. Since the space in the world is actually depending on the existence of God, even if all the world except space disappears, the space can exist alone independently if God wishes so. We can easily imagine the existence of space alone even on the disappearance of the rest of the world made of gross energy (we are going to prove that space is subtle energy), matter and awareness. We have to replace the ‘Existence of God’ by the word ‘Existence of matter’ in the theory of Einstein and we can justify the topmost scientist, Einstein, by saying that he behaved like the traditional scientists without touching the concept of God in the subject of science.

Space as subtle energy:- The second possibility is that space is not nothing but something. Space is neither gross energy (since it is not grasped), nor matter (since it is invisible) and nor awareness (since it is inert). Since the ultimate cause of this entire creation is inert energy as per science and since as per science inert energy exists as subtle energy and gross energy, we have to treat space also as inert subtle energy. It is told that space bends on the boundary of an object. If space is nothing, nothing cannot bend on the boundary of the object. Moreover, it is told that space is generating galaxies of stars and energy. All these things including the concept of black hole, may lead us to think that space is a very subtle form of inert energy having very high value of frequency (in the undetectable range) so that space is an unimaginable reservoir of huge subtle energy. We will deal with the analysis in both cases (space as nothing and space as subtle energy).

Now, science has to take one of the above two possibilities as true and then only proceed to analyse the ultimate cause of this creation.

1. Space treated as nothing:-

The inert energy is transformed in the brain-nervous system into awareness and this awareness can be taken as the sixth component apart from subtle energy, gross energy and matter in three states (solid, liquid and gas). The resulting picture is that in the vacant space, the six components with inherent existence result as the world:-

i) Inert energy in various forms like light, heat, magnetism, sound, electricity etc., exists as subtle and gross energies.

ii) Matter, which is condensed energy exists as solid, liquid and gas.

iii) Awareness, which is a specific work form of inert energy that is obtained in functioning brain-nervous system exists as pure awareness as well as feelings and qualities.

Without the existence of space, anything other than space cannot exist. The vacant space, which has no inherent absolute existence and which has only relative existence depending on the existence of inert matter (as per Einstein) can be taken as the seventh component without its absolute existence. Space being subtle energy cannot exist without the existence of the inert energy and thus, space can be treated as a relative item with respect to the inert energy. But, a better way is to say that space itself is the inert energy in subtle form and space and inert energy are not two items. Subtle water vapour, gross liquid water and solid ice need not be treated as separate items since all these three are only the different phases of the same component H2O. Even though space exists with reference to the existence of matter as said above by Einstein, we can take matter as inert energy because matter is condensed inert energy (E=mc2). Matter can be taken as a different phase of inert energy since condensation is involved as in the case of condensation of water vapour into water and condensation of water into ice. To treat subtle energy as a phase of inert energy is justified like treating matter as a phase of inert energy is justified.

Since space is invariably subtle energy and since the subtle energy is a phase of inert energy, the conclusion is that space is also inert energy. Inert energy means gross energy and subtle energy. Matter is also a phase of inert energy since matter is a condensed form of inert energy. Awareness is also a specific form of inert energy, awareness is also inert energy only. The final conclusion is that if inert energy disappears, all the world including space will disappear. But, the inert energy is inert and can’t take decisions. Even though awareness as a specific form of inert energy exists, it exists as discontinuous drops covered by containers of matter and energy or energy alone. Since all these drops of awareness are not amalgamated as one continuous part, the decision about the cosmos cannot be taken by these independent droplets. Even if all these droplets of awareness take such decision of dissolution by uniting as very large gathering at one place, the cosmos or the inert energy is not affected by such cumulative demand. Hence, it depends on the decision of the ultimate cause of the universe whether all the world except space or including space should be dissolved or not.

Science has taken Einstein’s concept of geometrical space (Ref.: Ideas of Albert Einstein) as nothing (relatively existent with reference to matter) and this space is vacuum without air, which is dealt by Einstein. Sometimes, space is taken as atmosphere filled with air by the public. In this topic, whether space is nothing or subtle energy is not taken up by scientists. As the second possibility, we have taken space as subtle energy as per the above analysis.

In this picture of scientists, since space is absolutely nothing as per Einstein, the ultimate cause of the creation also becomes nothing (because nothing other than space is available for scientists to find the cause for energy, matter and awareness of the world). If space is subtle energy, space can be accepted as the cause of all items other than space. Hence, space cannot be treated as nothing even as per scientific view, which is not logical because creation is something and not nothing. Nothing can only come from nothing and something can come only from something. We can take only inert energy or matter or awareness as the ultimate cause. Let us examine each item of these three to be the ultimate cause of this creation in this background:-

i. Space treated as gross inert energy:- Since science has to treat only the space as the cause, we are treating the space as inert energy. Here, we are taking inert energy as detectable by eye or instrument (visible and invisible) as the meaning of inert energy. In fact, this creation is an infinite ocean of inert energy from which the entire creation (any item of the creation is either a single form or having various forms of inert energy, matter and awareness) is created, maintained and dissolved by the inert energy only. We are very much fascinated to make this inert energy as the ultimate cause of the creation. But, the defect is that inert energy has no awareness and cannot be a perfect designer of this systematic universe, which cannot be disposed as a system of randomness. Awareness is very much essential for thinking and designing a systematic universe.

ii. Space treated as Matter:- Matter also has the same defect of inert energy because matter is also inert. Matter itself is a form of inert energy.

iii. Space treated as Awareness:- Awareness is present discontinuously as drops in the form of zoological living beings having awareness generated by nervous system. This awareness is not continuous because between two items of awareness, there is gap containing inert matter and inert energy. Each individual living being with awareness is not capable of creation of matter and energy or their various forms and hence, either each individual or all the individuals put together cannot be the ultimate cause of this universe. All beings of awareness existing as a collective personality is also imagination only and not perceived in this creation (Some say that collective awareness of individual souls is a single divine personality called as Hiranyagarbha being the creator, maintainer and destroyer of this world. Hiranyagarbha is actually the energy - mediated unimaginable God, who is creating, maintaining and destroying this world.).

2. Space treated as subtle energy:-

Here, we are taking the meaning of subtle energy as undetectable subtle energy. The word ‘undetectable’ refers to the higher subtle status than the present capacity of technical instruments detecting subtle energy of high status (X-Rays, Gamma Rays, etc). When space is treated as such highest status of subtle energy, space may be viewed very close to the inert energy or awareness but not to matter. When space is treated as subtle energy, it will have again the same defect that space is also inert and cannot be an effective designer of the creation. Space being inert matter is completely ruled out even by little children. Now, space treated as awareness is leftover. As said above, the drops of awareness (individual zoological living beings) either individually or collectively cannot create an atom of matter or a small radiation of inert energy. Hence, awareness is also ruled out. We don’t give complete authority to modern science because it is unable to explain the unimaginable God, who is proved through unimaginable events called miracles. Moreover, the droplets of awareness are developed slowly in the evolution of the creation as per science and hence cannot be the root cause of the universe. Even if we overlook the theory of evolution, it is not proper logic to say that these individual souls either individually or collectively can become the ultimate cause of creation.

3. The Ultimate Unimaginable Cause

While the circumstances regarding the search of the ultimate cause are in such a state of confusion because of the non-availability of any item of creation to be the ultimate cause of the creation effectively, a ray of hope is generated because of the existence of miracles in the world, which are unimaginable events indicating their unimaginable source called ‘unimaginable God’, who can be very suitable to be the ultimate cause of this universe. We don’t give complete authority to modern science because it is unable to explain the unimaginable God, who is proved through unimaginable events called miracles. In a miracle, the unimaginable nature indicates its existence beyond space and due to this reason, the miracle is not at all understood by even deep scientific analysis. If the miracle was understood by science, then, it should be repeated by any scientist giving the same result. The miracle indicates that the source of miracles called as unimaginable God is also beyond space, due to which the unimaginable God is said to be beyond spatial dimensions. Any item in the creation is within the spatial dimensions (length, width and height) possessing volume. If an item is beyond spatial dimensions, it has no volume and can never even be imagined by any number of scientists for any number of births. We can logically say that this unimaginable God is the generator of space. Before the generation of space, if space existed in its cause (unimaginable God), we have to say that space cannot exist in its cause before its generation. If it existed, the generation of space becomes meaningless. It should not exist before its generation in its generator or cause. Due to absence of volume, the unimaginable God really becomes unimaginable to any human brain.

Science says that everything is imaginable. We agree that every item of creation is imaginable even if it is invisible to the normal eye. For example, X-Rays, gamma rays etc., are invisible to our naked eye, but exist as independent electro-magnetic radiations having the wonderful capacity of travelling even through vacuum. We cannot say that these radiations are unimaginable because they are imaginable and invisible since they are not beyond spatial dimensions.

[Question:- Any way, You have established the unimaginable God beyond space. We agree to Your concept. Let us simply say that such unimaginable God is an ocean of inert energy since anyway it is agreed that inert energy is a continuous ocean creating, controlling and destroying the universe like God.]

Swami replied:- When you say that the unimaginable cause is inert energy, it cannot be the designer of this systematic creation. We say that the unimaginable cause is omnipotent and can be the designer of the creation. When the purpose is served by saying that the unimaginable cause is omnipotent to be the material cause of the world (generally inert energy is treated as material cause), why should you bring the ocean of inert energy and force that inert energy to become the designer of the world? Once you say that the unimaginable cause is inert energy, it has to be inert only without awareness. The unimaginable cause (unimaginable God) is simply unimaginable and hence omnipotent to become the material cause as well as the designer-cause simultaneously. The unimaginable God is not inert matter and hence, not the material cause as per the worldly logic. The unimaginable God is not incapable awareness of souls and hence, cannot be the designer-cause of this entire world as per the worldly logic. The unimaginable cause is beyond worldly logic and can be simultaneously the material cause as well as the designer-cause.

[Question:- Let us say that the unimaginable cause is an ocean of awareness so that the above objection is removed. Awareness can be the designer of the creation and inert energy is capable material cause to create, maintain and destroy this world. Hence, the unimaginable cause can be basically inert energy as awareness because even the worldly awareness is basically inert energy.]

Swami replied:- Once you say that it is awareness, only discontinuous awareness is in our perception in the world as droplets of awareness disconnected with each other having gaps. Such ocean of awareness is not in our perception here at least just like the ocean of inert energy, which is again ruled out being inert and incapable of designing this systematic world. We have already said that the disconnected droplets of awareness are the zoological living beings. Hence, saying that the unimaginable cause is omnipotent can solve all objections.

The unimaginable cause creates all the items of creation through Its unimaginable power so that the process of creation can be also treated as an unimaginable action. The imaginable creation comes out of the unimaginable cause and due to the omnipotency of the unimaginable cause, the unimaginable cause is not quantitatively reduced and the product also is quite different being imaginable. This unimaginable cause created all the items of creation and also created the inherent properties of the items. It is by the will of the unimaginable God only the inherent characteristics are associated with the corresponding items of creation. Therefore, the unimaginable God need not depend on the imaginable items created by Him whenever we explain the actions of the unimaginable God. For example, when we say that the unimaginable God smashed the entire creation, it does not mean that the unimaginable God must be a powerful radiation or must be possessing powerful radiation. Similarly, when we say that the unimaginable God thought to create this universe, it does not mean that the unimaginable God is either awareness or possessing awareness.

Simply, we can say that the unimaginable God smashes the universe due to His omnipotence and also thought to create the universe due to His omnipotence. Since unimaginable God, being beyond space, cannot be imagined in any way by anybody, it is not proper to say that the unimaginable God is inert energy or awareness or matter or any item of the creation as said by the Veda (Neti Neti iti…). If you say otherwise, the unimaginable God becomes imaginable and comes under the scope of spatial dimensions so that it is no more unimaginable. Then, the unimaginable God becomes imaginable item by which such item cannot be beyond space and the generator of the space. You need not worry about the unimaginable omnipotence separately, which is the unimaginable power of the unimaginable God. Since any number of unimaginable items have to become only one unimaginable item, we can finally say that only one unimaginable item exists as unimaginable God or as unimaginable power.

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