Shri Datta Swami

 30 Sep 2024


Why does God ask a devotee to do what one is not willing to do?

[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: It is said that "God will ask you to do that one thing which you are not willing to do". But at same time God is the only one who truly loves the soul and never wishes bad for any soul. I always misunderstand God when this point is read by me. Please enlighten me with true real meaning of it.]

Swami replied:- This point is told in this way to show that there is nothing and none equal to God in the eyes of the climax devotee (Na tat samaḥ— Veda). For your level, you can neither understand nor digest this point because your devotion is based on Pravrutti, which is bound by the boundaries of Pravrutti. A student of lower standard cannot understand a  topic of a very high standard syllabus. Does this mean that the topic of the high standard syllabus is not justified? In Pravrutti, you have to vote for justice against injustice. In Nivrutti, you have to vote for God against even justice. You need not worry about the overall view while standing in the lower level in which 99% humanity stands. As long as you don’t relish a concept, don’t go near that. There is no trace of compulsion about this aspect on you. In fact, such aspects were discovered by devotees only existing in Nivrutti line. You need not misunderstand God about such concepts.

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