Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 21 Apr 2023


English »   Malayalam »  

Why were some monkeys sent in other directions when Ravana took Sita towards the south?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked: Hanuman was sent to the South for the search of Sita because it was heard that Ravana took Sita towards the South. In that case, why other monkeys were sent to the other three directions so that they failed in their search whereas Hanuman succeeded in the search. Is it not partiality towards Hanuman?]

Swami replied:- Even though Ravana took Sita towards the South direction since his city was Lanka that existed towards the South only, the idea in this search done in all directions was that Ravana might have changed the place of Sita after sometime to other directions also so that Rama would be misled. Hence, monkeys were sent in all the four directions. Moreover, in the service of God, the most important concept is to do service to God whether such service yields fruits or not. The Gita says that your responsibility is towards service only and not to the fruit (Karmaṇyevādhikāraste, mā phaleṣu kadācana). Rama was the omniscient and omnipotent God not requiring the service from any soul except for the sake of testing the soul.
