Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 29 Jul 2023


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Dattamata Vimshati: Verse 12

Dattamata Viṃśatiḥ: Verse 12
(Philosophy of God Datta in twenty verses)

विनोद इह धार्मिको धनिक धर्मविद्यालयो
विजातिरयमेव राजमृगयेव मोदान्तरः ।
क्षुदत्र न पुरोsशनात् क्रयग शर्करा केवला
शुकादि विविधाकृते रधिकतः परा द्रौपदी ।। 12

Vinoda iha dhārmiko dhanika dharmavidyālayo
Vijātirayameva rājamṛgayeva modāntaraḥ ।
Kṣudatra na puro'śanāt krayaga śarkarā kevalā
Śukādi vivdhākṛte radhikataḥ parā Draupadī ।। 12

[O God Datta! The Veda said that God was bored with His loneliness and created this world for entertainment. Even then, in this world, justice is always protected and maintained by Him. It is just like a rich man starting a college to engage himself with some work for entertainment. He should not be blamed for the fact that since he started the college, a boy failed the examinations. The rich man shall not be blamed because he always protected justice everywhere in the college. One shall not blame God that He was not having bliss originally and hence, became blissful after creating the world. God was as blissful as He was before the creation. Only the variety of entertainment changed, and bliss is the same as usual. A King is happy in his palace. He wants a different variety of entertainment and goes to the forest for hunting. This does not mean that the King is unhappy with the palace and is happy in the forest. He is happy in both places. Only, the variety of happiness changed. If one purchases a parrot or swan made of sugar, the rate will be the same because the quantity of sugar is the same in both. Similarly, bliss (sugar) is one and the same qualitatively and quantitatively even if the variety of entertainment is changed. Whether one eats sugar parrot or sugar swan, happiness is one and the same irrespective of the form of the sweet item. Before eating any type of sweet, one is hungry and after eating any type of sweet, hunger is pacified.

We shall not say that if one eats sugar parrot, one is hungry and one has pacified his hunger by eating sugar swan only. When devotees form various types of bonds with You, the form of bond (father, mother, brother, wife, darling etc.) is not important because the quantity of true love (sugar) in the bond is important. Whether it is swan or donkey made of sugar, the quantity of the sugar alone decides the rate or value. To illustrate this, an example can be taken:- when the finger of Krishna was cut while eating sugarcane, all the romantic bonds (wives and Gopikas) ran in all directions for a piece of cloth to be used for the bandage of the finger. But, Draupadi treating Krishna as her brother, immediately tore her new sari and banded the finger of Krishna. Generally, the romantic bond is considered to be higher than the brother-sister bond. Even then, Draupadi won against all others in the test of Krishna proving that her true love is far far greater than those romantic bonds. Hence, the form of bond has no value in the eyes of God since the weight of true love (sugar) alone decides the value. Hence, all bonds are equal for God, Who sees the quantity of true love only present in any bond (different sweets are prepared with the same sugar with different forms like parrot, swan, donkey etc., and are sold in sweet shops).]
