Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 13 Jul 2023


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Dattamata Vimshati: Verse 5

Dattamata Viṃśatiḥ: Verse 5
(Philosophy of God Datta in twenty verses)

असत्पर मतस्त्वमेक इति तत्परांशाः परे
त्रिकर्म न विभूतयो न च तदिच्छया तीर्णवान् ।
अवातर दहो! न चोदतर देष दत्तप्रभो!
विनावतरणं हि हास्यरस एष चाद्वैतवाक् ।। 5

Asatpara matastvameka iti tatparāṃśāḥ pare
Trikarma na vibhūtayo na ca tadicchayā tīrṇvān ।
Avātara daho! Na codatara deṣa Dattaprabho!
Vināvataraṇaṃ hi hāsyarasa eṣa cādvaitavāk ।। 5

[O Lord Datta! Other than Yourself everything is originally non-existent. Therefore, You are said to be one only by the Veda (Ekamevādvitīyaṃ Brahma). The souls are many and not one. The plurality is in the creation and not in the creator. Therefore, all these souls are a tiny part of the creation and are not the creator. No soul has the three powers, which are creation, maintenance and dissolution of the world (Jagadvyāpāravarjaṃ prakaraṇādasannihitatvācca - Brahmasutra). God Datta is one personality only and does the creation, maintenance and dissolution of this world through His three faces of Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Śiva. Only You (God) have these three powers. No miracles are existing with the soul while You can show any miracle. If we say that the human being is becoming Human Incarnation or God, such Human Incarnation also results based on Your will only (Īśvarānugrahādeva… Avadhuta Gita). God has descended down (Avatāra) as the incarnation and the human being did not ascend (Uttāra) to become Human Incarnation. Leaving the case of Human Incarnation, the follower of monism speaking that he is God already, becomes a laughing stuff!]
