Shri Datta Swami

 04 Jan 2021


English »   Malayalam »  

Does God not love atheists?

[Śrī Anil asked: A Muslim devotee stated that it is blasphemy to say that Allāh loves all the creation. As a proof, he quoted the following from the Qu’ran. “Say, obey Allāh and His Messenger and if you turn away from that then Allāh does not love the kāfireen (non-believers).” Therefore, it is against the Holy Qu’ran to say that Allāh loves all the creation. How could He love someone and also send them to hellfire forever?]

Swāmi replied: The quality of love has both faces of pleasantness and anger. The father is pleased with the good son. The father gets angry with his other bad son. The father’s anger does not mean the absence of love. His anger shows his eager intention to rectify the bad son. Even sending the bad soul to the fire of hell is indeed the love of the Father of heaven. The punishment given by God is not due to vengeance, but due to His love to rectify the bad soul. Anger has two colors or two faces. One type of anger is due to revenge, hatred or enmity while the other is due to love. The first type of anger can be represented by the red color and the second type of anger can be represented by the white color.

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