Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 12 Jan 2024


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Jesus was offered His release from the crucifixion, provided He agreed to the suggestions of the priest. But He rejected it. Why?

[A question by Shri Anil Antony]

Swami replied:- Jesus is the incarnation of God on this earth. Hence, He has no fear for death. He came to the earth to preach true spiritual knowledge and He will not accept the false spiritual knowledge of the priests. Just to escape from death, He will not yield to the pressure of priests, who proposed their false spiritual knowledge to be accepted by Him. His very purpose of the divine incarnation gets defeated. There is no harm if one changes from one theistic religion to other theistic religion even though actually there is no such necessity since every religion leads the soul to the same central God. But, one should not change from true spiritual knowledge to false spiritual knowledge. Had there been any soul in the place of Jesus, that soul would have easily accepted the proposal of the priests in order to save its life. But¸ Jesus is the human being in which God or Father of Heaven merged completely to become the human incarnation for the sake of preaching the true spiritual knowledge to the humanity. He faced the crucifixion boldly, but, preached the true spiritual knowledge only. Even Swami Dayananda Sarasvati, a human incarnation of God faced the cruel death given by the blind followers of Hinduism. These two ignorant and foolish cruel incidents demand the entire world to bend its face downwards. Every human incarnation tries to remove the blind misunderstandings of the scripture in a specific span of time.

When God comes directly to this world in human form to save His children from the hell of ignorance, we kill Him giving reward for His love towards us. We shall be ashamed of such behavior. We shall discuss with Him about His points and can get explanation from Him. That is human nature. Hatred towards the human incarnation based on ego and jealousy is the worst sin of demonic nature. Even the human being preaching wrong knowledge shall not be attacked like this. Instead, you shall have a long debate and prove that his knowledge is wrong. That is more powerful than killing him. You must kill his wrong knowledge and not him. Jesus preached this point also telling “hate the sin but not the sinner”.
