Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 09 Aug 2023


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Shall we retort a person in the same way that a person attacks our religion with vulgar language?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, You said that when a person belonging to another religion attacks your religion with vulgar language, you shall also attack his religion in the same manner (referring Your answer given to Shri PV Sitarama Sastry, USA). In such case, will the horse and donkey become the same as our elders say?]

Swami replied:- It is said that a bad fellow will not be pacified by good treatment since a bad fellow will be pacified by reverse bad treatment only (Śāmyet pratyapakāreṇa, nopakāreṇa durjanaḥ - Kaalidasa). You must always fight with the fighter in the initial stage, otherwise, the fighter will think that you are inefficient in fighting. After defeating in the fight, you shall show good treatment so that your enemy will be prepared to listen to your good words. Similarly, after finishing the vulgar fight, you must preach him universal spirituality, which is the true correlation of all world-religions. If the opponent starts with a good debate using good words, you must convince him with good logic of universal spirituality. This type of response is advised based on human psychology.
