Shri Datta Swami

 24 Sep 2024


English »   Malayalam »  

Swami, what is the total preaching of the ten incarnations of God?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:-]

Swami replied:- The first four incarnations (Fish, Tortoise, Wild Pig and Lion faced Man) were based on the powerful beast nature, which was suitable to kill the demons having very cruel nature of beasts. The fifth incarnation was Vaamana, a small boy coming to beg a small piece of land from king Bali. God deceived Bali and suppressed him to a lower world down the earth because of his egoistic behaviour in defeating Indra. Since king Bali donated the piece of land even though he was warned by his Guru Shukracarya that God came to suppress him, God Himself became his gatekeeper forever as the fruit of his merit. In this small incident, God showed His policy of not mixing the fruit of merit with the fruit of sin. God preached us that one will not cancel the other and both have to be enjoyed separately because the fruit of merit encourages good deeds whereas the punishment discourages bad deeds. This clearly means that by any meritorious deed like doing penance, you cannot cancel the punishment of sin. If the punishments of sins are cancelled by merits, everybody will be encouraged to do sins and then cancel them by merits. This is the greatest message to this world, which removes the belief that sins can be burnt through the worship of God. The priests also encourage this concept because they earn money as people do worships of God. Everybody must know that sin can never be cancelled unless you enjoy it. Then only, sin can be controlled in this world.

After this message of Vaamana, you don’t find any specific message through the incarnations of Parashuraama and Kalki since both were constantly involved in punishing the sinners. The activities of both these incarnations again prove the same message of Vaamana that the only answer for sin is severe punishment. Now, the leftover three incarnations are Rama, Krishna and Buddha. These three incarnations carry a wonderful message to become close to God forever through the path of Nivrutti. Rama represents an ideal human being always following justice against injustice because God is always pleased with justice and displeased with injustice. A person failing in Pravrutti (by supporting injustice and opposing justice) has no admission into the spiritual line or Nivrutti. The reason is that you cannot please God once He is displeased with you in Pravrutti. In the next birth, Arjuna was born as a hunter, who was a non-vegetarian. Arjuna was always pleasing God by supporting justice and opposing injustice. Hence, the incarnation of Rama appearing as ideal human being (Aadarsha Maanusha Avataara) strictly advices every human being not to think itself as God under any circumstances. If you are not following the footsteps of Rama, you cannot reach God and you need not think about becoming close to God (Saayujyam). Krishna is the omnipotent human incarnation of God (Liilaa Maanusha Avataara). Rama is the path whereas Krishna is the goal. Even though Krishna is the goal, you cannot become Krishna by constantly aspiring to become Krishna. As you aspire more and more, you go far and far from the goal. The reason is that the human incarnation results purely on the will of God and not on the will of the devotee.


The main clue of the path is preached by God Buddha. The main preaching of God Buddha was only that you shall avoid any desire to fulfill it from God. When you approach God with some desire to be fulfilled by Him, all your value in the eyes of God is destroyed totally because your love to God is totally false and not at all true. All your true love is on your desire only to be fulfilled by God. When the devotion to God is true, your attraction to God is totally based on your fascination to God that is purely based on the divine personality of God. In such case, your devotion is purely on God called goal-devotion (God is the goal and not the desire.). When your devotion is purely on desire, your devotion to God is only instrumental devotion (Your devotion is on your desire only and God is used as an instrument to get the desire fulfilled.).


In this way, Rama, Krishna and Buddha are the three eyes. ‘Buddha’ means logical analysis to distinguish truth and false (Sadasat vivekaḥ of Shankara) and this is hidden on the forehead of every human being. The very starting chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is Buddhi Yoga (Saankhya Yoga), which is nothing but to find out the ultimate truth using the logical analysis of intelligence or buddhi (Dadāmi buddhi yogaṃ tam… Gita).

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