Shri Datta Swami

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Did Yashoda, who loved God Krishna in the climax, go to Goloka?

Posted on: 16/01/2024

[A question by Smt. Chhanda Chandra]

Swami replied:- Since Krishna was her own son, she could not be tested by the joint test of bond with child and bond with wealth (butter). Since she was the mother of Krishna, she could not be tested in the bond with spouse. Due to the test of bond with spouse...

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Were the Gopikas not expecting that Krishna would conduct the joint test of money along with the bond with their spouse?

Posted on: 12/01/2024

Shri Anil Antony asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, Please give Your responses to the following question. At Your Lotus Feet-anil. You said “The sages in their previous birth were asking God to test about their Daareshanaa (bond with spouse), but, Krishna conducted the joint-test for the bond with money (Dhaneshanaa) and the bond with children (Putreshanaa).” Based on the above preaching, were the Gopikas not expecting that God Krishna will conduct...

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Please elaborate the concept of 'Law of the land'.

Posted on: 12/01/2024

[Shri Anil Antony asked: Please elaborate the concept of ‘law of the land’, in the context and background of topic of Madhura Bhakti; is there any difference in the law of land if the places were Jerusalem and Mecca?]

Swami replied:- ‘The law of the land’ means the belief of the public present in a land. Sometimes, a specific belief may be wrong. Generally, such specific belief, which is wrong is opposed by at least some people...

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The statement that Muhammad is the seal of the Prophet, is perfectly applicable to You. What is Your opinion?

Posted on: 12/01/2024

[Shri Anil Antony asked: The statement that Prophet Muhammad is the seal of Prophet, is perfectly applicable directly to You as You have covered all the angles in the spiritual path in Your knowledge. What is Your opinion on this?]

Swami replied:- If I say ‘yes’ to your question, immediately you will call Me egoistic! I am following Universal Spirituality and consider Prophet Muhammad also as the incarnation of God Allah, who is none but Jehovah...

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What is Your program in Your next incarnation at Devgad?

Posted on: 12/01/2024

[Shri Anil Antony asked: Your next incarnation is in Devgad, however by now You have preached everything in the spiritual knowledge covering all the aspects. What will be Your program in Your next incarnation at Devgad?]

Swami replied:- The Veda says that spiritual knowledge is true and infinite. The word ‘infinite’ means very large as per the figure of speech (utprekshaa alankaara). The Veda also says that the same one concept can be explained...

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Jesus was offered His release from the crucifixion, provided He agreed to the suggestions of the priest. But He rejected it. Why?

Posted on: 12/01/2024

[A question by Shri Anil Antony]

Swami replied:- Jesus is the incarnation of God on this earth. Hence, He has no fear for death. He came to the earth to preach true spiritual knowledge and He will not accept the false spiritual knowledge of the priests. Just to escape from death, He will not yield to the pressure of priests, who proposed their false spiritual knowledge to be accepted by Him. His very purpose of the divine incarnation...

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How to uplift the people who are attached to film songs more than the devotional songs?

Posted on: 12/01/2024

[Shri PVNM Sarma asked: Swami, the present society is very much attached to film songs than the devotional songs. What is the way to uplift them?]

Swami replied:- The same cinema songs can be sung on God, keeping God as the goal of that song. In fact, there are -very very powerful cinema songs involving the intensity of love to the climax state. The Veda says that all souls are females and wives/darlings of God (Striyaḥ satīḥ…). Hence, any soul can think about itself as female and wife of God. Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa lived in Brundaavanam...

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Can Gopikas worship Rama in their own illegal path, through which Krishna was worshipped?

Posted on: 11/01/2024

[Smt. Chhanda Chandra asked:- All forms of God are one and the same. In such a case, can we worship Rama through the path in which Krishna was worshipped? Can Gopikas worship Rama in their own illegal path through which Krishna was worshipped?]

Swami replied:- Suppose that one person has several different qualities, this is possible in the world. When you approach that person, you must choose the path that is related to that specific quality only through...

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How can Radha be admitted to Nivrutti when she failed to do justice to her husband?

Posted on: 11/01/2024

[Smt. Chhanda Chandra asked:-  You told that unless one succeeds in Pravrutti, he/she will not be admitted into Nivrutti. What I mean is that since Radha failed in justice with her husband, Ayanaghosha, she should not be admitted into Nivrutti by Krishna.]

Swami replied:- If you take the case of Radha, it is climax mad love towards Krishna, which is an infinite ocean that drowned...

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Swami, can You give the explanation of Pravrutti and Nivrutti with the help of one best example?

Posted on: 11/01/2024

[A question by Ms. Thrylokya]

Swami replied:- First type of devotion-worship of God Rama:- There are many people, who are mad of worldly life, but also care about God so that the most difficult worldly problems can be solved by the grace of God. For these people, God is not the goal, but, God is the instrument to get some special worldly benefits. This is controlled devotion to God. These devotees follow justice strictly and please God...

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Is it necessary to test both attachment to God and detachment from the world simultaneously?

Posted on: 10/01/2024

[A question by Smt. Chhanda Chandra]

Swami replied:- If a devotee is known to be absorbed in God, the detachment from the world gives the measurement of his/her attachment to God. Generally, this is a convenient method because absorption in God cannot be known directly. By observing...

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Don't You think that Pravrutti is to be concentrated more than Nivrutti?

Posted on: 10/01/2024

[A question by Smt. Chhanda Chandra]

Swami replied:- Of course, emergency lies to establish the basic foundation of Pravrutti, which is to earn the basic needs. After this fundamental step, emergency lies in the spiritual line only. The reason...

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Please explain the concepts of Vidyaa and Avidyaa

Posted on: 10/01/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- On Datta Jayanti, after the narration of the computer-miracle by Shri Veena Datta, You spoke about Vidyaa and Avidyaa. Please explain this concept once again.]

Swami replied:- I told that I have done several miracles on the computer, and this is called as Vidyaa, which means awareness of Myself through which I could expose My unimaginable power through miracle. Vidyaa means knowledge...

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Swami answers questions of Shri Divakar

Posted on: 09/01/2024

1. Do the gunas remain in the same proportions at the time of birth?

[Shri Divakar asked: Padnamskaram Swami, As I understood, soul samskaras are expressed in a certain percentage of 3 gunas. Let's say X, Y, Z are the percentage proportions of 3 gunas at the time of death. Do the gunas stay in the same proportions at the time of birth as mentioned above if at all soul takes new birth. If percentage proportions of the 3 gunas gets changed for a soul at the time of birth...

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Who is the supreme God?

Posted on: 09/01/2024

[Shri Arun Baral asked: Dear respected Guru, Who is the supreme God - Brahma, Vishnu or Shiv? Are Buddha and Mahavir ever greater? Looking forward to hearing from You. With respects, Arun]

Swami replied:- All these divine incarnations are one and the same because...

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Swami answers questions of Shri Satthireddy

Posted on: 09/01/2024

1. a) Will the rituals done by politicians/businessmen with their corrupted money succeed or not?

[Shri Satthi Reddy  asked: Mee Paadapadmalaku Namaskaram Swamiji, Swamiji, I have heard on the YouTube channel that one wealthy businessman who earned money in the alcohol business once went near a great saint because the saint was performing some ritual. He put bags of money in front of the saint and asked her to perform that ritual. The great saint refused to even see that money. My questions are: Will the rituals done by politicians or business men...

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Swami answers questions of Ms. Amudha Sambath

Posted on: 09/01/2024

1. People might fear approaching God. How do we approach our beloved Sadguru?

[Ms. Amudha Sambath asked:  Padha Namaskaram Swami, I am afraid of asking this questions, but I am still raising it out of my ignorance. And You are the only path for me. Association with Sadguru, Shri Datta Swami. How do we approach our beloved Sadguru? A few people might have a fear of approaching God like me. She or he does not have the confidence or guts (Worthlessness of soul) to approach...

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Are there really 7 births for a human being?

Posted on: 09/01/2024

Ms. Arati Satavekar asked: Namaskar Swamiji, are there really 7 births for a human being? What if this will be the last janma...

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Satsanga in Mumbai-4

Posted on: 08/01/2024

[Certain flash concepts radiated from Shri Datta Swami on 03/01/2024]

1) God existed in Advaita before creation. He was bored (means unhappy) with monism (Advaita) and aspired for dualism (Dvaita). The Veda says that God was not happy when He was alone and hence, desired for dualism. At present, God is happy existing in dualism. Why are  devotees praising the Advaita philosophy, which was not liked even by God Himself? (Ekākī na ramate sa dvitīyamaichhat - Veda)...

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Divine experiences of Shri Jitendra Datta

Posted on: 06/01/2024

[By Shri Jitendra Datta]

Jaya Guru Datta, Sri Guru Datta, Pranamam to Shri Swamiji, My name is Jitendra Datta. I am a devotee of Shri Lord Datta. I am 26 years old. Suddenly, one known person (Datta Bhakta) sent an image of Shri Datta Swamiji Bhakti Ganga's book cover page. He asked me, do you know about him like this? I said I needed to learn more about Swamiji. Can you please do me a favour? Please send the next page, like the address and more information about Swamiji. He said no, I don't have any information about Datta swami. This is the test for you. You must gather...

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Note: Articles marked with symbol are meant for scholars and intellectuals only


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