Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 08 Feb 2023


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Could you please explain which of the following options on the creation of space and energy is true?

[Dr. Nikhil asked: Padanamaskarams Swamiji, During last satsanga, You revealed that God Datta created space along with some extra subtle energy. In this context, could You please explain which of the following options (or any other fourth option) is true?

God Datta created space (bhūtākāśa) and without the addition or removal of any extra energy, or matter, by His mere will, He caused a part of the space to get transformed into matter, energy, etc. (Ātmanaḥ ākāśaḥ sambhūtaḥ, ākāśād vāyuḥ…—Veda).

God Datta created space (bhūtākāśa) along with some extra subtle energy. Then, by His will, He made that extra subtle energy interact with a part of the space. That part of space alone got transformed into matter, energy, etc., whereas the rest of space remained as it is.

God Datta created space (bhūtākāśa) along with some extra subtle energy. The space remained as it is, whereas the extra subtle energy got transformed into matter, energy etc. by His will. If this option is true, how can it be said the matter (vāyuh) came out of space? Your servant, Nikhil]

Swami replied:- Whether the atoms of gas come from subtle energy (space) or from gross energy, matter is generated by the condensation of energy only. If some space is not reduced and if extra energy is condensed to become gas, the whole story appears logical and within the frame of imaginable process. Once the creation started and if we give importance to imaginable and logical ways to a greater extent, we can say that the imaginable energy is converted in to matter through imaginable process. Ultimately there is no big change even if we involve the unimaginable process of God in creating energy from His will. God has full freedom to do a process in any way He likes. Appropriateness (auchityam) appears more towards the imaginable domain to contain imaginable cause to generate imaginable product through imaginable process giving full place to science at least in the imaginable domain reducing the interference of unimaginable God if there is no necessity. When a process can be explained through normal natural logic, God will not show His unimaginable power without need. Once space is created, we have entered the imaginable domain in which scientists have full opportunity to study the imaginable rules of science. They will be embarrassed if we try to introduce the unimaginable activity of God when a scientific way is possible. Reduction of space takes place immediately as soon as some space is converted into matter. Again, God must create more space to keep constancy of space. Instead of this indirect process, if we say that God created constant space along with some extra energy, His further involvement appears as if stopped. In fact, the condensation of some extra energy into matter also has to take place by the will of God alone. However, this part exists secretly encouraging the scientists to proceed on the assumption that condensation of energy into matter is a natural process.
